When you create a new transformation scenario or edit an existing one, a configuration dialog box allows you to customize the transformation with various options in several tabs.
The XSLT tab contains the following options:
- Specifies the source XML file. You can
specify the path by using the text field, its history drop-down, the
Insert Editor Variables button, or the browsing tools in the
Browse drop-down list. You can also use the
Open in editor button to open the specified file in the editor panel. This URL is resolved through the catalog resolver. If the catalog does not have a mapping for the URL, then the file is used directly from its remote location.
If the transformer engine is Saxon 9.x and a custom URI resolver is
configured in the advanced Saxon preferences page, the XML input of the transformation is passed to
that URI resolver. If the
transformer engine is one of the built-in XSLT 2.0 / 3.0 engines and the name of an initial template is
specified in the scenario, the XML URL field can be empty. The
XML URL field can also be empty if you use external XSLT processors. Otherwise, a value is mandatory in this
- Specifies the source XSL file that the transformation will use. You can
specify the path by using the text field, its history drop-down, the
Insert Editor Variables button, or the browsing tools in the
Browse drop-down list. You can also use the
Open in editor button to open the specified file in the editor panel. This URL is resolved through the catalog resolver. If the catalog does not have a mapping for the URL, the file is used directly from its remote location.
- Use "xml-stylesheet" declaration
- If enabled, the scenario applies the stylesheet specified explicitly in the XML
document with the
processing instruction. By default, this option is disabled and the transformation applies the XSLT stylesheet that is specified in the XSL URL field. - Transformer
- This drop-down menu presents all the transformation engines available to Oxygen XML Editor for performing a transformation. These include the built-in engines and the external engines defined in the Custom Engines preferences page. The engine you choose is used as the default transformation engine. Also, if an XSLT or XQuery document does not have an associated validation scenario, this transformation engine is used in the validation process (if it provides validation support).
Advanced options
- Allows you to configure the advanced options of the Saxon HE/PE/EE engine for the current transformation scenario. To configure the same options globally, go to the Saxon-HE/PE/EE preferences page. For the current transformation scenario, these Advanced options override the options configured in that preferences page.
- Parameters
- Opens a Configure parameters dialog box that allows you to configure the XSLT parameters used in the current transformation. In this dialog box, you can also configure the parameters for additional XSLT stylesheets. If the XSLT transformation engine is custom-defined, you can not use this dialog box to configure the parameters sent to the custom engine. Instead, you can copy all parameters from the dialog box using contextual menu actions and edit the custom XSLT engine to include the necessary parameters in the command line that starts the transformation process.
- Extensions
- Opens a dialog box for configuring the XSLT extension jars or classes that define extension Java functions or extension XSLT elements used in the transformation.
- Additional XSLT stylesheets
- Opens a dialog box for adding XSLT stylesheets that are applied on the main stylesheet specified in the XSL URL field. This is useful when a chain of XSLT stylesheets must be applied to the input XML document.