Built-in Transformation Scenarios

Oxygen XML Editor included preconfigured built-in transformation scenarios that are used for common transformations. To obtain the desired output, use the Apply Transformation Scenario(s) (Ctrl + Shift + T (Command + Shift + T on OS X)) action from the toolbar or the Document Transformation menu and choose one of the built-in scenarios for the current document.

You can use the Apply Transformation Scenario(s) action even if the current document is not associated with a transformation scenario.

If the document contains an xml-stylesheet processing instruction that refers to an XSLT stylesheet (commonly used to display the document in web browsers), Oxygen XML Editor prompts you to associate the document with a built-in transformation scenario.

The default transformation scenario is suggested based on the processing instruction from the edited document. The XSL URL field of the default transformation scenario contains the URL from the href attribute of the processing instruction. By default, the Use xml-stylesheet declaration checkbox is enabled, Saxon is used as the transformation engine, and no FO processing is performed. The result of the transformation is store in a file with the same URL as the edited document, but the extension is changed to html. The name and path are preserved because the output file name is specified with the help of two editor variables: ${cfd} and ${cfn}.

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