Creating a New Project

Oxygen XML Editor allows you to organize your XML-related files into projects. This helps you manage and organize your files and also allows you to perform batch operations (such as validation and transformation) over multiple files. You can also share your project settings and transformation/validation scenarios with other users. Use the Project view to manage projects, and the files and folders contained within.

Creating a New Project

To create a new project, select New Project from the Project menu, the New menu in the contextual menu, or the drop-down menu at the top-left of the Project view. This opens a dialog box that allows you to assign a name to the new project and adds it to the structure of the project in the Project view.

Adding Items to the Project

To add items to the project, select any of the following actions that are available when invoking the contextual menu in the Project view:

Opens a New file dialog box that helps you create a new file and adds it to the project structure.
Opens a New Folder dialog box that allows you to specify a name for a new folder and adds it to the structure of the project.

The project itself is considered a logical folder. You can add a logical folder, or content to a logical folder, by using one of the following actions that are available in the contextual menu, when invoked from the project root:

NewLogical Folder
Creates a logical folder in the tree structure (the icon is a magenta folder on Mac OS X - ).
NewLogical Folders from Web
Replicates the structure of a remote folder accessible over FTP/SFTP/WebDAV, as a structure of logical folders. The newly created logical folders contain the file structure of the folder it points to.
Add Folder
Adds a link to a physical folder, whose name and content mirror a real folder that exists in the local file system (the icon of this action is different on Mac OS X ).
Add Files
Adds links to files on the local file system.
Add Edited File
Adds a link to the currently edited file in the project.

Using Linked Folders (Shortcuts)

Another easy way to organize your XML working files is to place them in a directory and then to create a corresponding linked folder in you project. If you add new files to that folder, you can simply use the Refresh (F5) action from the toolbar or contextual menu and the Project view will display the existing files and subdirectories. If your files are scattered amongst several folders, but represent the same class of files, you might find it useful to combine them in a logical folder.

You can create linked folders (shortcuts) by dragging and dropping folders from the Windows Explorer (Mac OS X Finder) to the project tree, or by selecting Add Folder in the contextual menu from the project root. Linked folders are displayed in the Project view with bold text. To create a file inside a linked folder, select the NewFile action from the contextual menu. The linked files presented in the Project view are marked with a special icon.


Files may have multiple instances within the folder system, but cannot appear twice within the same folder.

For more information on managing projects and their content, see Project View.

For more details about how you can share projects with other users, see Sharing a Project - Team Collaboration.

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