Spell Check Preferences

Oxygen XML Editor provides support for spell checking in the Text and Author editing modes. To configure the Spell Check options, open the Preferences dialog box (OptionsPreferences) and go to EditorSpell Check.

The following options are available:

Automatic spell check
This option is disabled by default. When enabled, Oxygen XML Editor automatically checks the spelling as you type and highlights misspelled words in the document.
  • Select editors - You can select which editors (and therefore which file types) will be automatically spelled checked. File types (such as CSS and DTD), in which automatic spell checking is not usually helpful, are excluded by default.
Spell check highlight color
Use this option to set the color used by the spell check engine to highlight spelling errors.
Language options section
This section includes the following language options:

Default language
The default language list allows you to choose the language used by the spell check engine when the language is not specified in the source file. You can add additional dictionaries to the spell check engines.
Use "lang" and "xml:lang" attributes
When this option is selected, the contents of an element with one of the lang or xml:lang attributes is checked in that language. Choose between the following two options for instances when these attributes are missing:
  • Use the default language - If the lang and xml:lang attributes are missing, the selection in the Default language list is used.
  • Do not check - If the lang and xml:lang attributes are missing, the element is not checked.

XML spell checking in section
You can choose to check the spelling inside the following XML items:
  • Comments
  • Attribute values
  • Text
Options section
This section includes the following other options:

Check capitalization
When selected, the spell checker reports capitalization errors (for example, a word that starts with lowercase after etc. or i.e.).
Check punctuation
When selected, the spell checker checks punctuation. Misplaced white space and unusual sequences, such as a period following a comma, are highlighted as errors.
Ignore mixed case words
When selected, the spell checker does not check words containing mixed case characters (for example, SpellChecker).
Ignore acronyms
Available only for the Hunspell spell checker. When selected, acronyms are not reported as errors.
Ignore words with digits
When selected, the spell checker does not check words containing digits (for example, b2b).
Ignore duplicates
When selected, the spell checker does not signal two successive identical words as an error.
Ignore URL
When selected, the spell checker ignores words recognized as URLs or file names (for example, www.oxygenxml.com or c:\boot.ini).
Allow compounds words
When selected, all words formed by concatenating two legal words with a hyphen (hyphenated compounds) are accepted. If recognized by the language, two words concatenated without hyphen (closed compounds) are also accepted.
Allow file extensions
When selected, the spell checker accepts any word ending with recognized file extensions (for example, myfile.txt or index.html).

Ignore elements section
You can use the Add and Remove buttons to configure a list of element names or XPath expressions to be ignored by the spell checker. The following restricted set of XPath expressions are supported:
  • '/' and '//' separators
  • '*' wildcard
An example of an allowed XPath expression is: /a/*/b.
AutoCorrect options link
Use this link to navigate to the AutoCorrect preferences page.

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