Grid Editing Mode

The Oxygen XML Editor Grid editor displays the XML document as a structured grid of nested tables. To activate this mode, select Grid at the bottom of the editing area.

Modify Content Without Working with XML Tags

If you are a non-technical user, you can modify the text content of the edited document without working with the XML tags directly. You can expand and collapse the tables using the mouse cursor and also display or hide the elements of the document as nested. The document structure can also be changed easily with drag and drop operations on the grid components.

Changing the Font Size (Zoom)

The font size of the editor panel can be changed with the following actions that are available with shortcuts or in the DocumentFont size menu:

Increase editor font (Ctrl + NumPad+ (Command + NumPad+ on OS X) or Ctrl + MouseWheelForward (Windows/Linux)
Increases the font size (zooms in) with one point for each execution of the action.


For Mac OS X, if you activate the Enable mouse-wheel zooming option in the Editor preferences page, you can use Command + MouseWheelForward to increase the font size (zoom in). It is disabled by default due to the way inertia affects the mouse wheel on Mac OS X.
Decrease editor font (Ctrl + NumPad- (Command + NumPad- on OS X) or Ctrl + MouseWheelBackwards (Windows/Linux)
Decreases the font size (zooms out) with one point for each execution of the action.


For Mac OS X, if you activate the Enable mouse-wheel zooming option in the Editor preferences page, you can use Command + MouseWheelBackwards to decrease the font size (zoom out). It is disabled by default due to the way inertia affects the mouse wheel on Mac OS X.
Normal editor font (Ctrl + 0 (Command + 0 on OS X))
Resets the font size to the value of the editor font set in the Fonts preferences page.

Grid Editing Mode

Switch Editing Modes

To switch back from the Grid mode to the Text or Author mode, use the Text and Grid buttons from the bottom of the editor. You are also able to perform this switch from Document Edit Mode Grid and Document Edit Mode Text.

Content Completion Assistant

If the edited document is associated with a schema (DTD, XML Schema, Relax NG, etc.), the editor offers a Content Completion Assistant for the elements and attributes names and values. If you choose to insert an element that has required content, the sub-tree of needed elements and attributes are automatically included.

To display the content completion pop-up menu, you have to start editing (for example, double-click a cell). Pressing Ctrl + Space (Command + Space on OS X) on your keyboard also displays the pop-up menu.

Content Completion in Grid Editing Mode

To watch our video demonstration about some of the features available in the Grid editor, go to

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