Control Toolbar

The Control toolbar contains all the actions that you need to configure and control the debugging process. The following actions are described as they appear in the toolbar from left to right.

Control Toolbar

XML source selector
The current selection represents the source document used as input by the transformation engine. The selection list contains all opened files (XML files being emphasized). This option allows you to use other file types also as source documents. In an XQuery debugging session this selection field can be set to the default value NONE, because usually XQuery documents do not require an input source.
XSL / XQuery selector
The current selection represents the stylesheet or XQuery document to be used by the transformation engine. The selection list contains all opened files (XSLT / XQuery files being emphasized).
Link with editor
When enabled, the XML and XSLT/XQuery selectors display the names of the files opened in the central editor panels. This button is disabled by default.
Output selector
The selection represents the output file specified in the associated transformation scenario. You can specify the path by using the text field, the Insert Editor Variables button, or the Browse button.
Configure parameters
Opens a dialog box that allows you to configure the XSLT / XQuery parameters to be used by the transformation.
Allows you to add and remove the Java classes and jars used as XSLT extensions.
/Turn on/off profiling
Enables / Disables current transformation profiling.
Enable XHTML output
Enables the rendering of the output in the XHTML output view during the transformation process. For performance issues, disable XHTML output when working with very large files. Note that only XHTML conformant documents can be rendered by this view. To view the output result of other formats, such as HTML, save the Text output area to a file and use an external browser for viewing.

When starting a debug session from the editor perspective using the Debug Scenario action, the state of this toolbar button reflects the state of the Show as XHTML output option from the scenario.

Turn on/off output to source mapping

Enables or disables the output to source mapping between every line of output and the instruction element / source context that generated it.

Debugger preferences

Quick link to Debugger preferences page.

XSLT / XQuery engine selector
Lists the processors available for debugging XSLT and XQuery transformations.
XSLT / XQuery engine advanced options
Advanced options available for Saxon
Step into
Starts the debugging process and runs until the next instruction is encountered.
Step over

Run until the current instruction and its sub-instructions are over. Usually this will advance to the next sibling instruction.

Step over

Step out

Run until the parent of the current instruction is over. Usually this will advance to the next sibling of the parent instruction.

Step out

Starts the debugging process. The execution of the process is paused when a breakpoint is encountered or the transformation ends.
Run to cursor
Starts the debugging process and runs until one of the following conditions occur: the line of cursor is reached, a valid breakpoint is reached or the execution ends.
Run to end
Runs the transformation until the end, without taking into account enabled breakpoints, if any.
Request to pause the current transformation as soon as possible.
Request to stop the current transformation without completing its execution.
Show current execution nodes
Reveals the current debugger context showing both the current instruction and the current node in the XML source. Possible displayed states:
  • Entering () or leaving () an XML execution node.
  • Entering () or leaving () an XSL execution node.
  • Entering () or leaving () an XPath execution node.


    When you set a MarkLogic server as a processor, the Show current execution nodes button is named Refresh current session context from server. Click this button to refresh the information in all the views.


For some of the XSLT processors (Saxon-HE/PE/EE) the debugger could be configured to step into the XPath expressions affecting the behavior of the following debugger actions: Step into, Step over or Step Out.

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