Date Picker Form Control

The oxy_datePicker built-in form control is used for offering a text field with a calendar browser that allows the user to choose a certain date in a specified format.

The oxy_datePicker form control supports the following properties:

  • edit - Lets you edit the value of an attribute, the text content of an element, or Processing Instructions (PI). This property can have the following values:

    • @attribute_name - The name of the attribute whose value is being edited. If the attribute is in a namespace, the value of the property must be a QName and the CSS must have a namespace declaration for the prefix.
    • #text - Specifies that the presented/edited value is the simple text value of an element.


      You can set the value of the visibility property to -oxy-collapse-text to render the text only in the form control that the oxy_editor function specifies.

  • columns - Controls the width of the form control. The unit size is the width of the w character.
  • width - Specifies the width of the content area using relative (em, ex), absolute (in, cm, mm, pt, pc, px), and percentage (followed by the % character) length units. The width property takes precedence over the columns property (if the two are used together).
  • color - Specifies the foreground color of the form control. If the value of the color property is inherit, the form control has the same color as the element in which it is inserted.
  • format - This property specifies the format of the inserted date. The pattern value must be a valid Java date (or date-time) format. If missing, the type of the date is determined from the associated schema.
  • visible - Specifies whether or not the form control is visible. The possible values of this property are true (default value) and false.
  • validateInput - Specifies if the form control is validated. If you introduce a date that does not respect the format, the datePicker form control is rendered with a red foreground. By default, the input is validated. To disable the validation, set this property to false.
  • hoverPseudoclassName - Allows you to change the way an element is rendered when you hover over a form control. The value is the name of a CSS pseudo-class. When you hover over the form control, the specified pseudo-class will be set on the element that contains the form control.
    p:before {
      content: oxy_datePicker(hoverPseudoclassName, 'showBorder')
    p:showBorder {
      border: 1px solid red;

Date Picker Form Control

date {
        oxy_label(text, "Date time attribute with 
                   format defined in CSS: ", width, 300px)
            columns, 16, 
            edit, "@attribute",
            format, "yyyy-MM-dd");


To insert a sample of the oxy_datePicker form control in a CSS file (or LESS file), invoke the Content Completion Assistant by pressing Ctrl + Space (Command + Space on OS X) and select the oxy_datePicker code template.

To see more detailed examples and more information about how form controls work in Oxygen XML Editor, see the sample files in the following directory: [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR]/samples/form-controls.

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