Browser Form Control

The oxy_browser built-in form control is used for providing a mechanism to render HTML frames or interact with SVG documents in Author mode.

The oxy_browser form control supports the following properties:

  • href - The absolute or relative location of a resource. This property is mandatory. Relative values are resolved relative to the CSS. If you have media resources relative to the XML document, you can specify their paths like this:
    oxy_browser(href, oxy_url(oxy_base-uri(), 'ex.svg')), width, 50%, height, 50%)
  • width - Specifies the width of the content area using relative (em, ex), absolute (in, cm, mm, pt, pc, px), and percentage (followed by the % character) length units.
  • height - Specifies the height of the form control area using relative (em, ex), absolute (in, cm, mm, pt, pc, px), and percentage (followed by the % character) length units.

Browser Form Control

object {
            href, '',
            width, 600px,
            height, 400px,


To insert a sample of the oxy_browser form control in a CSS file (or LESS file), invoke the Content Completion Assistant by pressing Ctrl + Space (Command + Space on OS X) and select the oxy_browser code template.

To see more detailed examples and more information about how form controls work in Oxygen XML Editor, see the sample files in the following directory: [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR]/samples/form-controls.

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