Editing Scoring Values of Tag Elements in Search Results

The WebHelp Search feature is enhanced with a rating mechanism that computes scores for every page that matches the search criteria. HTML tag elements are assigned a scoring value and these values are evaluated for the search results. Oxygen XML Editor includes a properties file that defines the scoring values for tag elements and this file can be edited to customize the values according to your needs.

To edit the scoring values of HTML tag element for enhancing WebHelp search results, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the scoring properties file for DITA or DocBook WebHelp systems. The properties file includes instructions and examples to help you with your customization.
    1. For DITA WebHelp systems, edit the following file: DITA_OT_DIR\plugins\com.oxygenxml.webhelp\indexer\scoring.properties.
    2. For DocBook WebHelp system, edit the following file: [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR]\frameworks\docbook\xsl\com.oxygenxml.webhelp\indexer\scoring.properties.
    The values that can be edited in the scoring.properties file:
    h1 = 10
    h2 = 9
    h3 = 8
    h4 = 7
    h5 = 6
    h6 = 5
    b = 5
    strong = 5
    em = 3
    meta_keywords = 20
    meta_indexterms = 20
    meta_description = 25
  2. Save your changes to the file.
  3. Re-run your WebHelp system transformation scenario.

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