Schematron Preferences

To configure options in regards to Schematron, open the Preferences dialog box (OptionsPreferences) and go to XMLXML Parser Schematron.

The following options are available in this preferences page:

ISO Schematron Section

Optimize (visit-no-attributes)
If your ISO Schematron assertion tests do not contain the attributes axis, you should check this option for faster ISO Schematron validation.
Allow foreign elements (allow-foreign)
Enables support for allow-foreign on ISO Schematron. This option is used to pass non-Schematron elements to the generated stylesheet.
Use Saxon EE (schema aware) for xslt2/xslt3 query language binding
When enabled, Saxon EE is used for xslt2/xslt3 query binding. If this option is disabled, Saxon PE is used.
Enable Schematron Quick Fixes (SQF) support
Allows you to enable or disable the support for quick fixes in Schematron files. This option is enabled by default.
Embedded rules query language binding
You can control the query language binding used by the ISO Schematron embedded rules. You can choose between: xslt1, xslt2, or xslt3.


To control the query language binding for standalone ISO Schematron, you need to set the query language to be used with a queryBinding attribute on the schema root element.
Message language
This option allows you to specify the language to be used in Schematron validation messages. You can choose between the following:
  • Use the language defined in the application - The language that is specified in the Global Preferences page will be used and only the validation messages that match that language will be presented. You can use the Change application language link to navigate to the preferences page where you can specify the language to be used in the application.
  • Use the "xml:lang" attribute set on the Schematron root - The language specified in the xml:lang attribute from the Schematron root will be used and only the validation message that match that language will be presented.
  • Ignore the language and show all message - All messages are displayed in whatever language they are defined within the Schematron schema.
  • Custom - Use this option to specify a custom language to be used and only the messages that match the specified language will be presented.


In all cases, if the selected language is not available for a validation error or warning, all messages will be displayed in whatever language they are defined with in the Schematron schema.

Schematron 1.5 Section

XPath Version
Allows you to select the version of XPath for the expressions that are allowed in Schematron assertion tests. You can choose between: 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0. This option is applied in both standalone Schematron 1.5 schemas and embedded Schematron 1.5 rules.

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