Learning and training elements
Elements in the learning and training section include specialized
topics, maps, content, and metadata elements specially designed to support instructional
In this section:
- Learning and training: topic elementsUse the learning and training topic types to provide the instructional content, according to the needs identified by the learning goals and objectives.
- Learning and training: map typesUse the learning and training map types to aggregate learning content into individual learning objects, groups of learning objects, or higher-level aggregations of learning groups and objects, according to the needs identified by the learning goals and objectives.
- Learning and training: map domain elementsUse the learning and training map domain to organize groups of topics as learning objects. Defined as a map domain, these elements are available for use within any DITA map, not just a learning-specific DITA map. For example, you could include learning objects in a DITA generic map or in a DITA bookmap.
- Learning and training: interactions domain elementsUse the learning interactions to construct a basic set of question and response interaction. The domain also provides an <lcInstructornote2> element, which you can use to provide instructor-specific information in the learning topics.
- Learning and training: interactions domain elements (DEPRECATED)Use the learning interactions to construct a basic set of question and response interaction. The domain also provides an <lcInstructornote> element, which you can use to provide instructor-specific information in the learning topics.
- Learning and training: metadata elementsUse the learning and training metadata to describe specific characteristics of the learning content. The learning and training metadata elements provide a robust metadata model for learning objects, built upon industry standards and best practices. Defined as a domain, these elements are available for use in both the topic <prolog> and the map <topicmeta>.
- Learning and training: common content elementsThe learning and training content elements provide specialized content for learning topics.
Parent topic: Language reference: All-inclusive edition