XML Resource Hierarchy/Dependencies View

The Resource Hierarchy/Dependencies view allows you to easily see the hierarchy / dependencies for an XML document. The tree structure presented in this view is built based on the XIinclude and External Entity mechanisms. To define the scope for calculating the dependencies of a resource, click Configure dependencies search scope on the Resource Hierarchy/Dependencies toolbar.

To open this view, go to WindowShow ViewOtherOxygen XML Editor pluginResource Hierarchy/Dependencies. As an alternative, right-click the current document and either select Resource Hierarchy or Resource Dependencies.

Resource Hierarchy/Dependencies View - Hierarchy for Syncro phone v1.xml

The build process for the dependencies view is started with the Resource Dependencies action available on the contextual menu.

Resource Hierarchy/Dependencies View - Dependencies for Insert battery.xml

The following actions are available in the Resource Hierarchy/Dependencies view:

Refreshes the Hierarchy/Dependencies structure.
Stops the hierarchy/dependencies computing.
Show Hierarchy
Allows you to choose a resource to compute the hierarchy structure.
Show Dependencies
Allows you to choose a resource to compute the dependencies structure.
Allows you to configure a scope to compute the dependencies structure. There is also an option for automatically using the defined scope for future operations.
Provides access to the list of previously computed dependencies. Use the Clear history button to remove all items from this list.

The contextual menu contains the following actions:

Opens the resource. You can also double-click a resource in the Hierarchy/Dependencies structure to open it.
Copy location
Copies the location of the resource.
Move resource
Moves the selected resource.
Rename resource
Renames the selected resource.
Show Resource Hierarchy
Shows the hierarchy for the selected resource.
Show Resource Dependencies
Shows the dependencies for the selected resource.
Add to Master Files
Adds the currently selected resource in the Master Files directory.
Expand All
Expands all the children of the selected resource from the Hierarchy/Dependencies structure.
Collapse All
Collapses all children of the selected resource from the Hierarchy/Dependencies structure.


When a recursive reference is encountered in the Hierarchy view, the reference is marked with a special icon .


The Move resource or Rename resource actions give you the option to update the references to the resource. Only the references made through the XInclude and External Entity mechanisms are handled.

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