Compare Files Tool Menus

The menus in the Compare Files tool contain some of the same actions that are on the toolbar, as well as some common actions that are identical to the same actions in the Oxygen XML Editor plugin menus. The menu actions include:

File Menu

Browses for a file that will be displayed in the left panel.
SourceOpen URL
Browses for a remote file that will be displayed in the left panel.
SourceOpen File from Archive
Browses an archive for a file that will be displayed in the left panel.
Reloads the file in the left panel.
Saves the changes made to the file in the left panel.
Source Save As
Allows you to choose a destination to save the file in the left panel.
Closes the file in the left panel.
Browses for a file that will be displayed in the right panel.
TargetOpen URL
Browses for a remote file that will be displayed in the right panel.
TargetOpen File from Archive
Browses an archive for a file that will be displayed in the right panel.
Reloads the file in the right panel.
Saves the changes made to the file in the right panel.
Target Save As
Allows you to choose a destination to save the file in the right panel.
Closes the file in the right panel.
Browses for a file that will be compared with both files in a three-way comparison.
BaseOpen URL
Browses for a remote file that will be compared with both files in a three-way comparison.
BaseOpen File from Archive
Browses an archive for a file that will be compared with both files in a three-way comparison.
Close (Ctrl + W (Command + W on OS X))
Closes the application.

Edit Menu

Cut the selection from the currently focused editor panel to the clipboard.
Copy the selection from the currently focused editor panel to the clipboard.
Paste content from the clipboard into the currently focused editor panel.
Select all
Selects all content in the currently focused editor panel.
Undo changes in the currently focused editor panel.
Redo changes in the currently focused editor panel.

Find Menu

Perform find/replace operations in the currently focused editor panel.
Find Next
Go to the next match using the same options as the last find operation. This action runs in both editor panels.
Find Previous
Go to the previous match using the same options as the last find operation. This action runs in both editor panels.

Compare Menu

Three-Way Comparison
Toggle action that allows you to perform a three-way comparison between the two files displayed in the two editing panes and a base (ancestor) file.
Perform Files Differencing
Looks for differences between the two files displayed in the left and right side panels.
Copy All Changes from Right to Left
Copy All Changes from Left to Right
Copy Change from Right to Left
Copy Change from Left to Right
Format and Indent Both Files (Ctrl + Shift + P (Command + Shift + P on OS X))


Options Menu

Opens the preferences dialog box that includes numerous pages of options that can be configured.
Menu Shortcut Keys
Opens the Menu Shortcut Keys option page where you can configure keyboard shortcuts available for menu items.
Reset Global Options
Resets options to their default values. Note that this option appears only when the tool is executed as a stand-alone application.
Import Global Options
Allows you to import an options set that you have previously exported.
Export Global Options
Allows you to export the current options set to a file.

Help Menu

Help (F1)
Opens a Help dialog box that displays the User Manual at a section that is appropriate for the context of the current cursor position.
Use Online Help
If this option is enabled, when you select Help or press F1 while hovering over any part of the interface, Oxygen XML Editor plugin attempts to open the help documentation in online mode. If this option is disabled or an internet connection fails, the help documentation is opened in offline mode.
Report problem
Opens a dialog box that allows the user to write the description of a problem that was encountered while using the application. You can change the URL where the reported problem is sent by using the system property. The report is sent in XML format through the report parameter of the POST HTTP method.
Support Center
Opens the Oxygen XML Editor plugin Support Center web page in a browser.

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