Request a Floating License from a TCP License Server

Use this procedure if your company uses an Oxygen XML Editor plugin TCP license server and the license server has already been set up by your server administrator:

  1. Contact your server administrator to get network address and login details for the license server.
  2. Start the Eclipse platform.
  3. Open the Preferences dialog box and click the Register button.
    The license registration dialog box is displayed.
  4. Choose Use a license server as licensing method.
  5. Select TCP server as server type.
  6. In the Host field, enter the host name or IP address of the license server.
  7. In the Port field, enter the port number used to communicate with the license server.
  8. Click the OK button.

If a floating license is available, it is registered in Oxygen XML Editor plugin. To display the license details, open the Preferences dialog box . If a floating license is not available, you will get a message listing the users currently using floating licenses.

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