Using an IIS Reverse Proxy

If you want to use Oxygen XML Web Author Component with IIS as a reverse proxy, follow this procedure:

  1. Configure IIS to allow double escaping in URLs. See the following examples:
    • For Microsoft Azure, the applicationHost.xdt file should contain the following:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
       <configuration xmlns:xdt="">
            <requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true" 
      xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(allowDoubleEscaping)" />
    • For other types, insert the following fragment inside the applicationHost.config file:
        <requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true"/>
  2. Configure Tomcat to allow escaped slashes. Append the following line in the tomcat\conf\ file:
  3. Set an environment variable to instruct Oxygen XML Web Author Component that the URL path is already decoded. Insert the following line in the [OXYGEN_WEBAUTHOR_INSTALL_DIR]\tomcat\bin\catalina.bat file:
    set "URL_DECODING_PROXY=true"

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