Adding MathML support using MathFlow

In the pom.xml file add dependencies to the additional libraries used by the MathFlow library to parse MathML equations:

  1. MFComposer.jar
  2. MFExtraSymFonts.jar
  3. MFSimpleEditor.jar
  4. MFStructureEditor.jar
  5. MFStyleEditor.jar


    For MathFlow 2.1, all of these JAR files are packaged into one file called MathFlow.jar.

You can reference these additional libraries from the MathFlow SDK as in the example below:


In addition, you must obtain fixed MathFlow license keys for editing and composing MathML equations and register them using these API methods: AuthorComponentFactory.setMathFlowFixedLicenseKeyForEditor and AuthorComponentFactory.setMathFlowFixedLicenseKeyForComposer.

To edit specialized DITA Composite with MathML content, include the entire [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR]/frameworks/mathml2 Mathml2 framework directory in the frameworks bundled with the component in the bundle-frameworks module. This directory is used to solve references to MathML DTDs.

More documentation is available on the Design Science MathFlow website.

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