Customize Your Applet

Follow these steps to customize the Oxygen XML Author Component Java applet:

  1. Follow this set of instructions to setup the sample project and look for the Java sources (these can be customized to fit your requirements) of the sample applet implementation;


    The Java source files are located in the src folder of the oxygen-sample-applet module.
  2. Look inside web-resources/sharepoint/author-component-dita.aspx and the associated *.js resources, to see how the applet is embedded in the page and how it can be controlled using JavaScript (to set and get XML content from it).
  3. Edit the configuration to specify your custom certificate information, used to sign the applet libraries. Also, specify the code base from where the applet resources will be downloaded.
  4. The sample Applet target/jnlp/author-component-dita.jnlp file contains the list of used libraries. This list is automatically generated from the Maven dependencies of the project. The sample frameworks and options JAR archives are located in the bundle-frameworks and bundle-options modules of the sample project.


    The JNLP file and the associated resources and libraries must be deployed on a non-SharePoint web server. Otherwise, the applet will not be loaded.
  5. Use the Maven command mvn package to pack the component. More information are available here. The resulting applet distribution is copied in the target/jnlp/ directory. From now on, you can copy the applet files on your web server.

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