Append Content Properties: -oxy-append-content / -oxy-prepend-content

-oxy-append-content Property

This property appends the specified content to the content generated by other matching CSS rules of lesser specificity. Unlike the content property, where only the value from the rule with the greatest specificity is taken into account, the -oxy-append-content property adds content to that generated by the lesser specificity rules into a new compound content.


    content: "Hello";
    -oxy-append-content: " World!";
The content shown before the element will be Hello World!.

-oxy-prepend-content Property

Prepends the specified content to the content generated by other matching CSS rules of lesser specificity. Unlike the content property, where only the value from the rule with the greatest specificity is taken into account, the -oxy-prepend-content prepends content to that generated by the lesser specificity rules into a new compound content.


    content: "Hello!";
    -oxy-prepend-content: "said: ";
    -oxy-prepend-content: "I ";
The content shown before the element will be I said: Hello!.

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