Add Resources to Your SharePoint Site

Copy the following resources to a sub-folder (in our example named author-component) of the SitePages folder from your SharePoint site, where you want to embed the applet:

  1. author-component-dita.aspx - an HTML document containing the Java applet.


    It has an .aspx extension instead of .html. If you use the latter extension, the browser will download the HTML document instead of displaying it.


    Edit the .aspx file and change the value of the applet parameter jnlp_href to the URL of the deployed author-component-dita.jnlp. Keep in mind that the JNLP file should be deployed on a third party server. For example:
        <param name="jnlp_href"
  2. author-component-dita.css - contains custom styling rules for the HTML document.
  3. author-component-dita.js - contains JavaScript code, giving access to the Oxygen XML Author Component contained by the Java applet.
  4. connectionUtil.js - contains JavaScript utility methods.


    Replace the value of the SPRootSiteURL property with the URL of your SharePoint root site, without trailing '/'. This is used by the openListItemInAuthor(itemUrl) method, to compute the absolute URL of the list item that is to be opened in the applet.

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