Author Mode Default Operations

The default operations for the Author mode, along with their arguments are as follows:

  • ChangeAttributeOperation

    This operation allows you to add/modify/remove an attribute. You can use this operation in your own custom Author mode action to modify the value for a certain attribute on a specific XML element. The arguments of the operation are:

    • name - The attribute local name.
    • namespace - The attribute namespace.
    • elementLocation - The XPath location that identifies the element.
    • value - The new value for the attribute. If empty or null the attribute will be removed.
    • editAttribute - If an in-place editor exists for this attribute, it will automatically activate the in-place editor and start editing.
    • removeIfEmpty - The possible values are true and false. True means that the attribute should be removed if an empty value is provided. The default behavior is to remove it.

  • ChangePseudoClassesOperation

    Operation that sets a list of pseudo-class values to nodes identified by an XPath expression. It can also remove a list of values from nodes identified by an XPath expression. The operation accepts the following parameters:

    • setLocations - An XPath expression indicating a list of nodes for which the specified list of pseudo-classes will be set. If it is not defined, then the element at the cursor position will be used.
    • setPseudoClassNames - A space-separated list of pseudo-class names that will be set on the matched nodes.
    • removeLocations - An XPath expression indicating a list of nodes from which the specified list of pseudo-classes will be removed. If it is not defined, then the element at the cursor position will be used.
    • removePseudoClassNames - A space-separated list of pseudo-class names that will be removed from the matched nodes.

  • DeleteElementOperation

    Deletes the node indicated by the elementLocation parameter XPath expression. If missing, the operation will delete the node at the cursor location.

  • DeleteElementsOperation

    Deletes the nodes indicated by the elementLocations parameter XPath expression. If missing, the operation will delete the node at the cursor location.

  • ExecuteCommandLineOperation

    This operation allows you to start a process executing a given command line. It has the following arguments:

    • name - The name of the operation (or name of the console panel that corresponds to the process run by an action built over this operation).
    • workingDirectory - The path to the directory where the command line is executed. The default value is "." (current directory).
    • cmdLine - The command line to be executed (accepts editor variables).
    • showconsole - If set to true, the console panel will be displayed in Oxygen XML Editor plugin. The default value is false.

  • ExecuteMultipleActionsOperation

    This operation allows the execution of a sequence of actions, defined as a list of action IDs. The actions must be defined by the corresponding framework, or one of the common actions for all frameworks supplied by Oxygen XML Editor plugin.

    • actionIDs - The action IDs list that will be executed in sequence, the list must be a string sequence containing the IDs separated by commas or new lines.

  • ExecuteMultipleWebappCompatibleActionsOperation

    An implementation of an operation that runs a sequence of Oxygen XML Web Author Component-compatible actions, defined as a list of IDs.

  • ExecuteTransformationScenariosOperation

    This operation allows running one or more transformation scenarios defined in the current document type association. It is useful to add to the toolbar buttons that trigger publishing to various output formats. The argument of the operation is:

    • scenarioNames - The list of scenario names that will be executed, separated by new lines.

  • InsertEquationOperation

    Inserts a fragment containing a MathML equation at the cursor offset. The argument of this operation is:

    • fragment - The XML fragment containing the MathML content that should be inserted.

  • InsertFragmentOperation

    Inserts an XML fragment at the current cursor position. The selection - if there is one, remains unchanged. The fragment will be inserted in the current context of the cursor position meaning that if the current XML document uses some namespace declarations then the inserted fragment must use the same declarations. The namespace declarations of the inserted fragment will be adapted to the existing namespace declarations of the XML document. For more details about its list of parameters, see Arguments of InsertFragmentOperation Operation.

  • InsertOrReplaceFragmentOperation

    Similar to InsertFragmentOperation, except it removes the selected content before inserting the fragment. For more details about its list of parameters, see Arguments of InsertFragmentOperation Operation.

  • InsertOrReplaceTextOperation

    Inserts a text at current position removing the selected content, if any. The argument of this operation is:

    • text - The text section to insert.

  • InsertXIncludeOperation

    Insert an XInclude element at the cursor offset. Opens a dialog box that allows you to browse and select content to be included in your document and automatically generates the corresponding XInclude instruction.

  • JSOperation

    Allows you to call the Java API from custom JavaScript content. For some sample JSOperation implementations, see


    For the Oxygen XML Web Author Component, this operation cannot be invoked using the JavaScript API.

    This operation accepts the following parameter:

    • script

      The JavaScript content to execute. It must have a function called doOperation(), which can use the predefined authorAccess variable. The authorAccess variable has access to the entire ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.AuthorAccess Java API.

      The following example is a script that retrieves the current value of the type attribute on the current element, allows the end user to edit its new value and sets the new value in the document:

      function doOperation(){ 
       //The current node is either entirely selected...
       currentNode = authorAccess.getEditorAccess().getFullySelectedNode();
       if(currentNode == null){
       //or the cursor is placed in it
       caretOffset = authorAccess.getEditorAccess().getCaretOffset(); 
       currentNode = authorAccess.getDocumentController().getNodeAtOffset
       //Get current value of the @type attribute
        currentTypeValue = "";
        currentTypeValueAttr = currentNode.getAttribute("type");
        if(currentTypeValueAttr != null){
          currentTypeValue = currentTypeValueAttr.getValue();
       //Ask user for new value for attribute.
       newTypeValue = javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog
                               ("Input @type value", currentTypeValue);
       if(newTypeValue != null){
         //Create and set the new attribute value for the @type attribute.
         attrValue = new
                               ("type", attrValue, currentNode);


    You can call functions defined inside a script called commons.js from your custom script content so that you can use that external script file as a library of functions. Note that this commons.js file must be placed in the root of the framework directory (for example, [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR]/frameworks/dita/commons.js) because that is the only location where Oxygen XML Editor plugin will look for it.

  • MoveCaretOperation

    Flexible operation for moving the cursor within a document and it is also capable of performing a selection. The operation accepts the following arguments:

    • xpathLocation - An XPath expression that identifies the node relative to where the cursor will be moved. If the expression identifies more than one node, only the first one will be taken into account.
    • position - The position relative to the node obtained from the XPath expression where the cursor will be moved. When also choosing to perform a selection, you can use the following possible values:
      • Before - Places the cursor at the beginning of the selection.
      • Inside, at the beginning - Places the cursor at the beginning of the selection.
      • After - Places the cursor at the end of the selection.
      • Inside, at the end - Places the cursor at the end of the selection.
    • selection - Specifies if the operation should select the element obtained from the XPath expression, its content, or nothing at all. The possible values of the argument are: None, Element, and Content.

  • MoveElementOperation

    Flexible operation for moving an XML element to another location from the same document. XPath expressions are used to identify the source element and the target location. The operation takes the following parameters:

    • sourceLocation - XPath expression that identifies the content to be moved.
    • deleteLocation - XPath expression that identifies the node to be removed. This parameter is optional. If missing, the sourceLocation parameter will also identify the node to be deleted.
    • surroundFragment - A string representation of an XML fragment. The moved node will be wrapped in this string before moving it in the destination.
    • targetLocation - XPath expression that identifies the location where the node must be moved to.
    • insertPosition - Argument that indicates the insert position.
    • moveOnlySourceContentNodes - When true, only the content of the source element is moved.
    • processTrackedChangesForXpathLocations - When nodes are located via an XPath expression and the nodes are deleted with change tracking enabled, they are considered as being present by default (thus, the change tracking is ignored). If you set this argument to true and change tracking is enabled, deleted nodes will be ignored when the XPath locations are computed (thus, the change tracking is NOT ignored).

  • OpenInSystemAppOperation

    Opens a resource in the system application that is associated with the resource in the operating system. The arguments of this operation is:

    • resourcePath - An XPath expression that, when executed, returns the path of the resource to be opened. Editor variables are expanded in the value of this parameter, before the expression is executed.
    • isUnparsedEntity - Possible values are true or false. If the value is true, the value of the resourcePath argument is treated as the name of an unparsed entity.

  • RemovePseudoClassOperation

    An operation that removes a pseudo-class from an element. Accepts the following parameters:

    • name - Name of the pseudo-class to be removed.

    • elementLocation - The XPath location that identifies the element. Leave it empty for the current element. It can also identify multiple elements, in which case the pseudo class will be removed from all of them.


      Suppose that there is a pseudo-class called myClass on the element paragraph and there are CSS styles matching the pseudo-class.


      In the previous example, by removing the pseudo-class, the layout of the paragraph is rebuilt by matching the other rules (in this case, the foreground color of the paragraph element will become blue.

  • RenameElementOperation

    This operation allows you to rename all occurrences of the elements identified by an XPath expression. The operation requires two parameters:

    • elementName - The new element name
    • elementLocation - The XPath expression that identifies the element occurrences to be renamed. If this parameter is missing, the operation renames the element at current cursor position.

  • SetPseudoClassOperation

    An operation that sets a pseudo-class to an element. The operation accepts the following parameters:

    • elementLocation - An XPath expression indicating the element for which the pseudo-class will be set. If it is not defined, then the element at cursor position will be used.
    • name - The pseudo-class local name.

  • ShowElementDocumentationOperation

    Opens the associated specification HTML page for the current element. The operation accepts as parameter a URL pattern that points to the HTML page containing the documentation.

  • SurroundWithFragmentOperation

    Surrounds the selected content with a text fragment. Since the fragment can have multiple nodes, the surrounded content will be always placed in the first leaf element. If there is no selection, the operation will simply insert the fragment at the cursor position. For more details about the list of parameters go to Arguments of SurroundWithFragmentOperation .

  • SurroundWithTextOperation

    This operation has two arguments (two text values) that will be inserted before and after the selected content. If there is no selected content, the two sections will be inserted at the cursor position. The arguments of the operation are:

    • header - The text that is placed before the selection.
    • footer - The text that is placed after the selection.

  • TogglePseudoClassOperation

    An implementation of an operation to toggle on/off the pseudo-class of an element. Accepts the following parameters:

    • name - Name of the pseudo-class to be toggled on/off.

    • elementLocation - The XPath location that identifies one or more elements for which the pseudo class will be toggled. Leave it empty for the current element.



      By default, the paragraph content is rendered in blue. Suppose that we have a TogglePseudoClassOperation configured for the myClass pseudo-class. Invoking it the first time will set the myClass pseudo-class and the paragraph will be rendered in red. Invoking the operation again, will remove the pseudo-class and the visible result will be a blue rendered paragraph element.

  • ToggleSurroundWithElementOperation

    This operation allows wrapping and unwrapping content in a specific wrapper element that can have certain attributes specified on it. It is useful to implement toggle actions such as highlighting text as bold, italic, or underline. The operation supports processing multiple selection intervals, such as multiple cells within a table column selection. The arguments of the operation are:

    • element - The element to wrap or unwrap content.
    • schemaAware - This argument applies only on the surround with element operation and controls whether or not the insertion is valid, based upon the schema. If the insertion is not valid, then wrapping action will be broken up into smaller intervals until the wrapping action is valid. For example, if you try to wrap a paragraph element with a bold element, it would not be valid, so the operation will wrap the text inside the paragraph instead, since it would be valid at that position.

  • UnwrapTagsOperation

    This operation allows removing the element tags either from the current element or for an element identified with an XPath location. The argument of the operation is

    • unwrapElementLocation - An XPath expression indicating the element to unwrap. If it is not defined, the element at the cursor position is unwrapped.

  • XQueryUpdateOperation

    Allows you to execute an XQuery Update script directly over content in Author mode.


    This operation is not applicable to the Oxygen XML Author Component or the Oxygen XML Web Author Component.

    It has one argument:

    • script

      The XQuery Update script to be executed. The value can either be an XQuery script or a URL that points to the XQuery Update script. You can use the ${framework} or ${frameworkDir} editor variables to refer the scripts from the framework directory.

      The script will be executed in the context of the node at the cursor position. If the script declares the following variable, it will also receive the selected nodes (assuming that entire nodes are selected):

      declare variable $oxyxq:selection external;

    An example of an XQuery Update Script that converts paragraphs to list items:

    declare namespace oxyxq = "";
    (: This variable will be linked to the selected nodes assuming that there are 
    actually fully selected nodes. For example this selection will return null: 
    <p>{SEL_START}text{SEL_END} in para</p>
    but this will give two "p" elements:
    If a multiple selection exists it will also be processed and forwarded.
     Again, only fully selected nodes will be passed.
    declare variable $oxyxq:selection external;
    (: We will process either the selection or the context node :)
    let $toProcess := if (empty($oxyxq:selection)) then
    returnif (not(empty($toProcess))) then
            (: Create the list :)
            let $ul :=
                    for $sel in $toProcess
                (: Delete the processed nodes :)
                for $sel in $toProcess
                    delete node $sel,
                (: Inserts the constructed list :)
                insert node $ul
                    before $toProcess[1]

  • XSLTOperation and XQueryOperation

    Applies an XSLT or XQuery script on a source element and then replaces or inserts the result in a specified target element.


    For the Oxygen XML Web Author Component, these operations cannot be invoked using the JavaScript API.

    These operations have the following parameters:

    • sourceLocation

      An XPath expression indicating the element that the script will be applied on. If it is not defined, then the element at the cursor position will be used.

      There may be situations in which you want to look at an ancestor of the current element and take decisions in the script based on this. To do this, you can set the sourceLocation to point to an ancestor node then declare a parameter called currentElementLocation in your script and use it to re-position in the current element, as in the following example:

      <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0" 
        xmlns:saxon="" exclude-result-prefixes="saxon">     
          <!-- This is an XPath location to be sent by the operation to the script -->
          <xsl:param name="currentElementLocation"/>
          <xsl:template match="/">
              <!-- Evaluate the XPath of the current element location -->
          <xsl:template match="para">
              <!-- And the context is again inside the current element, 
              but we can use information from the entire XML -->
                  name="keyImage" select="//imagedata[@fileref='images/lake.jpeg']
                      <xref linkend="{$keyImage}" role="key_include" 

    • targetLocation

      An XPath expression indicating the insert location for the result of the transformation. If it is not defined then the insert location will be at the cursor location.

    • script

      The script content (XSLT or XQuery). The base system ID for this will be the framework file, so any include/import reference will be resolved relative to the .framework file that contains this action definition.

      For example, for the following script, the imported xslt_operation.xsl needs to be located in the current framework directory.

      <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" 
          <xsl:import href="xslt_operation.xsl"/>

      You can also use a path for an included or imported reference. When using a path, the following apply:

      • A relative path is resolved to the framework directory.
      • The ${framework} editor variable can also be used to reference resources from the framework directory.
      • The path is passed through the catalog mappings. It helps to use an absolute URL (for instance, and map it in the catalog.xml file from the framework directory to a resource from the framework.

    • action

      The insert action relative to the node determined by the target XPath expression. It can be: Replace, At cursor position, Before, After, Inside as first child or Inside as last child.

    • caretPosition

      The position of the cursor after the action is executed. It can be: Preserve, Before, Start, First editable position, End, or After. If this parameter is not set, you can still indicate the position of the cursor by using the ${caret} editor variable in the inserted content.

    • expandEditorVariables

      Parameter controlling the expansion of editor variables returned by the script processing. Expansion is enabled by default.

Editor Variables in Author Mode Operations

Author mode operations can include parameters that contain the following editor variables:

  • ${caret} - The position where the cursor is located. This variable can be used in a code template, in Author mode operations, or in a selection plugin.
  • ${selection} - The current selected text content in the current edited document. This variable can be used in a code template, in Author mode operations, or in a selection plugin.
  • ${ask('message', type, ('real_value1':'rendered_value1'; 'real_value2':'rendered_value2'; ...), 'default_value')} - To prompt for values at runtime, use the ask('message', type, ('real_value1':'rendered_value1'; 'real_value2':'rendered_value2'; ...), 'default-value'') editor variable. You can set the following parameters:
    • 'message' - The displayed message. Note the quotes that enclose the message.
    • type - Optional parameter, with one of the following values:


      The title of the dialog box will be determined by the type of parameter and as follows:
      • For url and url_relative parameters, the title will be the name of the parameter and the value of the 'message'.
      • For the other parameters listed below, the title will be the name of that respective parameter.
      • If no parameter is used, the title will be "Input".
      url Format: ${ask('message', url, 'default_value')}
      Description: Input is considered a URL. Oxygen XML Editor plugin checks that the provided URL is valid.
      • ${ask('Input URL', url)} - The displayed dialog box has the name Input URL. The expected input type is URL.
      • ${ask('Input URL', url, '')} - The displayed dialog box has the name Input URL. The expected input type is URL. The input field displays the default value
      password Format: ${ask('message', password, 'default')}
      Description: The input is hidden with bullet characters.
      • ${ask('Input password', password)} - The displayed dialog box has the name 'Input password' and the input is hidden with bullet symbols.
      • ${ask('Input password', password, 'abcd')} - The displayed dialog box has the name 'Input password' and the input hidden with bullet symbols. The input field already contains the default abcd value.
      generic Format: ${ask('message', generic, 'default')}
      Description: The input is considered to be generic text that requires no special handling.
      • ${ask('Hello world!')} - The dialog box has a Hello world! message displayed.
      • ${ask('Hello world!', generic, 'Hello again!')} - The dialog box has a Hello world! message displayed and the value displayed in the input box is 'Hello again!'.
      relative_url Format: ${ask('message', relative_url, 'default')}
      Description: Input is considered a URL. Oxygen XML Editor plugin tries to make the URL relative to that of the document you are editing.


      If the $ask editor variable is expanded in content that is not yet saved (such as an untitled file, whose path cannot be determined), then Oxygen XML Editor plugin will transform it into an absolute URL.


      • ${ask('File location', relative_url, 'C:/example.txt')} - The dialog box has the name 'File location'. The URL inserted in the input box is made relative to the current edited document location.

      combobox Format: ${ask('message', combobox, ('real_value1':'rendered_value1';...;'real_valueN':'rendered_valueN'), 'default')}
      Description: Displays a dialog box that offers a drop-down menu. The drop-down menu is populated with the given rendered_value values. Choosing such a value will return its associated value (real_value).


      The 'default' parameter specifies the default selected value and can match either a key or a value.

      • ${ask('Operating System', combobox, ('win':'Microsoft Windows';'osx':'Mac OS X';'lnx':'Linux/UNIX'), 'osx')} - The dialog box has the name 'Operating System'. The drop-down menu displays the three given operating systems. The associated value will be returned based upon your selection.


        In this example, the default value is indicated by the osx key. However, the same result could be obtained if the default value is indicated by Mac OS X, as in the following example: ${ask('Operating System', combobox, ('win':'Microsoft Windows';'osx':'Mac OS X';'lnx':'Linux/UNIX'), 'Mac OS X')}
      • ${ask('Mobile OS', combobox, ('win':'Windows Mobile';'ios':'iOS';'and':'Android'), 'Android')}

      editable_combobox Format: ${ask('message', editable_combobox, ('real_value1':'rendered_value1';...;'real_valueN':'rendered_valueN'), 'default')}
      Description: Displays a dialog box that offers a drop-down menu with editable elements. The drop-down menu is populated with the given rendered_value values. Choosing such a value will return its associated real value (real_value) or the value inserted when you edit a list entry.


      The 'default' parameter specifies the default selected value and can match either a key or a value.

      • ${ask('Operating System', editable_combobox, ('win':'Microsoft Windows';'osx':'Mac OS X';'lnx':'Linux/UNIX'), 'osx')} - The dialog box has the name 'Operating System'. The drop-down menu displays the three given operating systems and also allows you to edit the entry. The associated value will be returned based upon your selection or the text you input.

      radio Format: ${ask('message', radio, ('real_value1':'rendered_value1';...;'real_valueN':'rendered_valueN'), 'default')}
      Description: Displays a dialog box that offers a series of radio buttons. Each radio button displays a 'rendered_value and will return an associated real_value.


      The 'default' parameter specifies the default selected value and can match either a key or a value.
      • ${ask('Operating System', radio, ('win':'Microsoft Windows';'osx':'Mac OS X';'lnx':'Linux/UNIX'), 'osx')} - The dialog box has the name 'Operating System'. The radio button group allows you to choose between the three operating systems.


        In this example Mac OS X is the default selected value and if selected it would return osx for the output.
    • 'default-value' - optional parameter. Provides a default value.
  • ${timeStamp} - Time stamp, that is the current time in Unix format. For example, it can be used to save transformation results in multiple output files on each transformation.
  • ${uuid} - Universally unique identifier, a unique sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits generated by the Java UUID class.
  • ${id} - Application-level unique identifier. It is a short sequence of 10-12 letters and digits that is not guaranteed to be universally unique.
  • ${cfn} - Current file name without extension and without parent folder. The current file is the one currently opened and selected.
  • ${cfne} - Current file name with extension. The current file is the one currently opened and selected.
  • ${cf} - Current file as file path, that is the absolute file path of the current edited document.
  • ${cfd} - Current file folder as file path, that is the path of the current edited document up to the name of the parent folder.
  • ${frameworksDir} - The path (as file path) of the [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR]/frameworks directory.
  • ${pd} - The file path for the parent folder of the current project selected in the Navigator view.
  • ${oxygenInstallDir} - Oxygen XML Editor plugin installation folder as file path.
  • ${homeDir} - The path (as file path) of the user home folder.
  • ${pn} - Current project name.
  • ${env(VAR_NAME)} - Value of the VAR_NAME environment variable. The environment variables are managed by the operating system. If you are looking for Java System Properties, use the ${system(} editor variable.
  • ${system(} - Value of the Java System Property. The Java system properties can be specified in the command line arguments of the Java runtime as If you are looking for operating system environment variables, use the ${env(VAR_NAME)} editor variable instead.
  • ${date(pattern)} - Current date. The allowed patterns are equivalent to the ones in the Java SimpleDateFormat class. Example: yyyy-MM-dd;


    This editor variable supports both the xs:date and xs:datetime parameters. For details about xs:date, go to For details about xs:datetime, go to

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