
Like the <steps> element, the <steps-unordered> element provides the main content of a task topic, but particularly for cases in which the order of steps may vary from one situation to another. At least one <step> element is required inside the <steps-unordered> element.

Steps with only a single step may be rendered as a paragraph rather than as a list. Two or more steps should typically be rendered as an unordered list. If all of the contained steps are simple (that is, have no more than a <cmd> element each) then the step list should default to compact. Otherwise it should be rendered as expanded (with blank lines between each step).


Beginning with DITA 1.2, the general task model allows multiple <steps> and <steps-unordered> elements. However, the default task model in the OASIS distribution (known as strict task) continues to allow only one <steps> or one <steps-unordered> element.



These models represent only the default document types distributed by OASIS. Actual content models will differ with each new document type.
Doctype Content model
ditabase, task, machineryTask, learningContent ( (stepsection) (optional) then (step) ) (one or more)

Contained by

Doctype Content model
ditabase, task (strict), task (general), machineryTask, learningContent taskbody


- topic/ul task/steps-unordered


<task id="sqlj">
 <title>Creating an SQLJ file</title>
  <context>Once you have set up SQLJ, you need to create a new SQLJ file.</context>
   <step><cmd>In a text editor, create a new file.</cmd></step>


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
univ-atts attribute group (includes select-atts, id-atts, and localization-atts groups) A set of related attributes, described in univ-atts attribute group
global-atts attribute group (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described in global-atts attribute group
class, outputclass Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes

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