
An lcSingleSelect interaction presents three or more choices, only one of which is correct.



These models represent only the default document types distributed by OASIS. Actual content models will differ with each new document type.
Doctype Content model
learningAssessment, learningContent, learningOverview, learningPlan, learningSummary ( (title) (optional) then (lcQuestion) then (lcAsset) (optional) then (lcAnswerOptionGroup) then (lcFeedbackIncorrect) (optional) then (lcFeedbackCorrect) (optional) then (data) (any number) )

Contained by

Doctype Content model
learningAssessment, learningOverview, learningSummary p, note, lq, li, itemgroup, dd, stentry, draft-comment, fn, entry, abstract, body, bodydiv, section, sectiondiv, example, lcIntro, lcAudience, lcPrereqs, lcSummary, lcNextSteps, lcReview, lcResources, lcChallenge, lcInstruction, lcInteraction, lcInstructornote
learningContent p, note, lq, li, itemgroup, dd, stentry, draft-comment, fn, entry, abstract, body, bodydiv, section, sectiondiv, example, lcIntro, lcAudience, lcPrereqs, lcSummary, lcNextSteps, lcReview, lcResources, lcChallenge, lcInstruction, lcInteraction, prereq, context, steps-informal, stepsection, info, tutorialinfo, stepxmp, choice, choptionhd, chdeschd, choption, chdesc, stepresult, result, postreq, conbody, refsyn, proptypehd, propvaluehd, propdeschd, lcInstructornote
learningPlan p, note, lq, li, itemgroup, dd, stentry, draft-comment, fn, entry, abstract, body, bodydiv, section, sectiondiv, example, lcIntro, lcAudience, lcPrereqs, lcSummary, lcNextSteps, lcReview, lcResources, lcChallenge, lcInstruction, lcInteraction, lcGeneralDescription, lcGoals, lcNeeds, lcValues, lcOrgConstraints, lcEdLevel, lcAge, lcBackground, lcSkills, lcKnowledge, lcMotivation, lcSpecChars, lcWorkEnvDescription, lcPlanResources, lcProcesses, lcTaskItem, lcAttitude, lcPlanObjective, lcJtaItem, lcGapItemDelta, lcLearnStrat, lcAssessment, lcDelivery, lcInstructornote


+ topic/fig learningInteractionBase-d/lcInteractionBase learning-d/lcSingleSelect


   <!--Single select Interaction                    -->
   <lcSingleSelect id="singleselect">
    <title>Multiple Choice - IEEE standards trivia</title>
    <lcQuestion>Which one of the listed standards committees is responsible for
developing the token ring specification?</lcQuestion>
      <lcAnswerContent>IEEE 802.3</lcAnswerContent>
      <lcFeedback>Sorry. A little low.</lcFeedback>
      <lcAnswerContent>IEEE 802.5</lcAnswerContent>
      <lcFeedback>That's the one.</lcFeedback>
      <lcAnswerContent>IEEE 802.6</lcAnswerContent>
      <lcFeedback>Nope. Too high.</lcFeedback>
      <lcAnswerContent>IEEE 802.11</lcAnswerContent>
      <lcFeedback>Nope. Way too high.</lcFeedback>


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
id Defines an ID by which the element may be referenced. NMTOKEN #REQUIRED Yes
conref-atts attribute group (conref, conrefend, conaction, conkeyref) A set of related attributes; includes all of the attributes described in id-atts attribute group except for the id attribute.
select-atts attribute group (props, base, platform, product, audience, otherprops, importance, rev, status) A set of related attributes, described in select-atts attribute group
localization-atts attribute group (translate, xml:lang, dir) A set of related attributes, described in localization-atts attribute group.
global-atts attribute group (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described in global-atts attribute group
class, outputclass Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes

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