
The <relcell> element defines a cell in the relationship table (<reltable>). The <topicref> elements that it contains are related to the <topicref> elements in other cells of the same row. By default, topics or resources that are referenced in the same cell are not related to each other, unless you change the collection-type attribute of the <relcell> to indicate that they are related.



These models represent only the default document types distributed by OASIS. Actual content models will differ with each new document type.
Doctype Content model
map (base), bookmap (topicref or anchorref or keydef or mapref or topicgroup or topichead or topicset or topicsetref or data or data-about) (any number)
map (technical content) (topicref or (anchorref or keydef or mapref or topicgroup or topichead or topicset or topicsetref) or (glossref) or data or data-about) (any number)
classifyMap (topicref or (topicsubject or topicapply) or (anchorref or keydef or mapref or topicgroup or topichead or topicset or topicsetref) or data or data-about) (any number)
subjectScheme (topicref or (anchorref or keydef or mapref or topicgroup or topichead or topicset or topicsetref) or data or data-about) (any number)
learningBookmap, learningMap (topicref or anchorref or keydef or mapref or topicgroup or topichead or topicset or topicsetref or learningObject or learningGroup or data or data-about) (any number)

Contained by

Doctype Content model
map (base), map (technical content), bookmap, classifyMap, subjectScheme, learningBookmap, learningMap relrow


- map/relcell


See reltable.


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
topicref-atts attribute group (collection-type, processing-role, type, scope, locktitle, format, linking, toc, print, search, chunk) A set of related attributes. See topicref-atts, topicref-atts-no-toc, and topicref-atts-without-format attribute groups.
univ-atts attribute group (includes select-atts, id-atts, and localization-atts groups) A set of related attributes, described in univ-atts attribute group
global-atts attribute group (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described in global-atts attribute group
class, outputclass Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes

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