XML Schema Outline View

The Outline view for XML Schemas presents all the global components grouped by their location, namespace, or type. By default, it is displayed on the left side of the editor. If the view is not displayed, it can be opened from the WindowShow View menu.

The Outline view provides the following options in the :

Filter returns exact matches
The text filter of the Outline view returns only exact matches;
Selection update on cursor move
Allows a synchronization between Outline view and schema diagram. The selected view from the diagram is also selected in the Outline view.
Allows you to sort alphabetically the schema components.
Show all components
Displays all components that were collected starting from the main files. Components that are not referable from the current file are marked with an orange underline. To reference them, add an import directive with the componentNS namespace.
Show referable components
Displays all components (collected starting from the main files) that can be referenced from the current file. This option is set by default.
Show only local components
Displays the components defined in the current file only.
Group by location/namespace/type
These three operations allow you to group the components by location, namespace, or type. When grouping by namespace, the main schema target namespace is the first presented in the Outline view.

The following contextual menu actions are available in the Outline view:

Remove (Delete)
Removes the selected item from the diagram.
Search References
Searches all references of the item found at current cursor position in the defined scope, if any.
Search References in
Searches all references of the item found at current cursor position in the specified scope.
Component Dependencies
Allows you to see the dependencies for the current selected component.
Resource Hierarchy
Allows you to see the hierarchy for the current selected resource.
Resource Dependencies
Allows you to see the dependencies for the current selected resource.
Rename Component in
Renames the selected component.
Generate Sample XML Files
Generate XML files using the current opened schema. The selected component is the XML document root.

The upper part of the Outline view contains a filter box that allows you to focus on the relevant components. Type a text fragment in the filter box and only the components that match it are presented. For advanced usage you can use wildcard characters (*, ?) and separate multiple patterns with commas.


The search filter is case insensitive. The following wildcards are accepted:
  • * - any string
  • ? - any character
  • , - patterns separator
If no wildcards are specified, the string to search will be searched as a partial match.

The content of the Outline view and the editing area are synchronized. When you select a component in the Outline view, its definition is highlighted in the editing area.

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