Opening a File at a Specific Location Using the Command Line Interface

Oxygen XML Author plugin offers support for opening a file at a specific position using the command line interface, by transmitting parameters to the Oxygen XML Author plugin batch script file. The following methods are available, depending on how you identify the position that is needed:

  1. Specific position values (line and column number, or character offset)

    Oxygen XML Author plugin supports the following position parameters:

    • line - The line number.
    • column - The column number (has meaning if the line parameter is also defined).
    • char - The character offset.

    Examples for Windows:

    The following examples show how you can open an XML document in Oxygen XML Author plugin:

    .bat  file:samples/personal.xml#line=4
    .bat  file:samples/personal.xml#line=4column=5
    .bat  file:samples/personal.xml#line=4;column=5
    .bat  file:samples/personal.xml#char=334

  2. Simplified XPath index path

    Oxygen XML Author plugin will open an XML file and select one of its elements identified by a simplified XPath index path. For example, an index path of the form 1/5/7 identifies the seventh child of the fifth child of the root element.


    Oxygen XML Author plugin will display a selection that starts with the first character of the content of the identified element and spans until the end of the line.

    Examples for Windows:

    The following example shows how you can open an XML document in Oxygen XML Author plugin and select the third child of the root element:

    .bat  file:samples/personal.xml#element(1/3)

  3. Anchors identified by ID attribute values

    Oxygen XML Author plugin will open an XML file and select the element whose id attribute value is an exact match of the anchor attached to a command line instruction.

    Examples for Windows:

    The following example shows how you can open an XML document in Oxygen XML Author plugin and select the element that has the id element set to titleID:

    .bat  file:samples/personal.xml#titleID

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