Topic References Outside the Main DITA Map Folder
Referencing to a DITA topic, map or to a binary resource (for example: image) that is located outside of the folder where the main DITA map is located usually leads to problems when publishing the content using the DITA Open Toolkit. The DITA OT does not handle it well when links to topics that are outside the directory where the published DITA map is found. By default it does not even copy the referenced topics to the output directory.
You have the following options:
- Create another DITA map that is located in a folder path above all referenced folders and reference from it the original DITA map. Then transform this DITA map instead.
- Edit the transformation scenario and in the Parameters tab edit the parameter. This parameter is used
to specify whether or not the application tries to fix such references in a temporary
files folder before the DITA Open Toolkit is invoked on the fixed references. The
fix has
no impact on your edited DITA content. The allowed values are "false" and "true".
default value is false.
The parameter is only supported when the DITA OT transformation process is started from Oxygen XML Author plugin)