Oxygen XML Web Author Component CSS Limitations

The Oxygen XML Web Author Component CSS support is compatible with that offered by the standalone distribution of Oxygen XML Author plugin, with the following exceptions:

  • The + (direct adjacent) and > (child selector) structural selectors cannot be used to match table-related elements.
  • Oxygen XML Author plugin CSS extensions are ignored on print media. If an Oxygen XML Author plugin CSS extension is used on the screen media, it will also be used on the print media.
  • Oxygen XML Author plugin CSS extension properties and functions cannot be used in a rule that has a :hover pseudo-class in the selector. The attr function is also not supported in such a rule due to a lack of browser support.
  • The :hover pseudo-class is only available for mouse-enabled platforms.
  • Oxygen XML Author plugin CSS extensions used in property values that express lengths may not behave as expected. Nevertheless, it is a good approximation.
  • Oxygen XML Author plugin synthetic DOM nodes comment, reference, cdata, pi, and error interfere with the + (direct adjacent) structural selector. For example:
    b + b {
    color: red;

    will not match the following XML structure:


  • The Oxygen XML Web Author Component does not render non-table-row children elements of tables and non-table-cell elements of table-row elements.
  • A width or height property set on any element other than the root XML element may cause some resize handles (that cannot be disabled) to be displayed in IE 11. This is also true for elements that have a position property with a value of absolute or fixed. For more information about this issue, see this Microsoft Connect article.
  • The Oxygen XML Web Author Component does not support the following:
    • :nth-last-of-type, :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :nth-last-of-type pseudo-classes.
    • -oxy-tags-color, -oxy-tags-background-color, and -oxy-foldable properties.
    • Subject selectors, since they are not supported by web browsers.
    • Specifying widths for inline elements.
    • Attribute selectors that use wildcard for the attribute name.
    • Oxygen XML Author plugin CSS extensions to style :before and :after pseudo-elements, except in the content property.
    • CSS property values that contain the oxy_xpath function are not refreshed correctly.

To overcome these differences you can use media queries described in Customization Tips.

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