Frequently Asked Questions

Installation and Licensing

  1. What hosting options are available for applet delivery and licensing services (for example, Apache, IIS, etc.)?

    For applet delivery any web server. We currently use Apache to deploy the sample on our site. For the floating license server you would need a J2EE server (such as Tomcat) if you want to restrict the access to the licenses.

    If you do not need the access restrictions that are possible with a J2EE server you can simplify the deployment of the floating license server by using the TCP version of this server. The TCP license server is a simple Java application that communicates with the Oxygen XML Author Component by TCP/IP connections.

  2. Are there any client requirements beyond the Java VM and (browser) Java PlugIn Technology?

    Oracle (formerly Sun) Java JRE version 1.6 update 10 or newer. At least 200 MB disk space and 200MB free memory would be necessary for the Oxygen XML Author Component applet.

  3. Are there any other client requirements or concerns that could make deployment troublesome (for example, browser security settings, client-side firewalls, and AV engines)?

    The applet is signed and will request access to the user machine to store customization data (frameworks). The applet needs to be signed with a valid certificate.

  4. How sensitive is the applet for the automatic Java VM updates that are typically on by default (for example, could automatic updates potentially "break" the run-time)?

    The component should work well with newer Java versions but we cannot guarantee this.

  5. How and when are "project" related files deployed to the client (for example, applet code, DTD, styling files, customizations, etc.)?

    Framework files are downloaded on the first load of the applet. Subsequent loads will re-use the cached customization files and will be much faster.

  6. For on-line demo (, noted a significant wait during initial startup. Any other mechanisms to enhance startup time?

    See the explanation above.

  7. Does the Oxygen XML Author Component support multiple documents being open simultaneously? What are the licensing ramifications?

    A single AuthorComponentFactory instance can create multiple EditorComponentProvider editors that can then be added and managed by the developer who is customizing the component in a Swing JTabbedPane. A single license (floating or user-based) is enough for this.

    If you need to run multiple Java Applets or distinct Java processes using the Oxygen XML Author Component, the current floating license model allows for now only two concurrent components from the same computer when using the HTTP floating license server. An additional started component will take an extra license seat.

  8. Is there any internet traffic during an editing session (user actively working on the content, on the client side, in the Oxygen XML Author Component)?



  1. How and when are saves performed back to the hosting server?

    What you can see on our web site is just an example of the Oxygen XML Author Component (which is a Java Swing component) used in an Applet.

    This applet is just for demonstration purposes. It's source can be at most a starting point for a customization. You should implement, sign and deploy your custom applet implementation.

    The save operation could be implemented either in JavaScript by requesting the XML content from the Applet or in Java directly working with the Oxygen XML Author Component. You would be responsible to send the content back to the CMS.

  2. Is there a particular XML document size (or range) when the applet would start to exhibit performance problems?

    The applet has a total amount of used memory specified in the JNLP JavaWebstart configuration file, which can be increased if necessary. By default, it is 156 Mb. It should work comfortably with documents of 1-3 megabytes.

  3. What graphic formats can be directly rendered in the Oxygen XML Author Component?

    GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP and SVG.

  4. Can links be embedded to retrieve (from the server) and "play" other types of digital assets, such as audio or video files?

    You could add listeners to intercept clicks and open the clicked links. This would require a good knowledge of the oXygen SDK. The Oxygen XML Author Component can only render static images (no GIF animations).

  5. Does the Oxygen XML Author Component provide methods for uploading ancillary files (new graphics, for instance) to the hosting server?


  6. Does the Oxygen XML Author Component provide any type of autosave functionality?

    By default no but you could customize the applet that contains the Oxygen XML Author Component to save its content periodically to a file on disk.

  7. Assuming multiple documents can be edited simultaneously, can content be copied, cut and pasted from one Oxygen XML Author Component "instance" to another?


  8. Does the Oxygen XML Author Component support pasting content from external sources (such as a web page or a Microsoft Word document and, if so, to what extent?

    If no customizations are available the content is pasted as simple text. We provide customizations for the major frameworks (DITA, DocBook, TEI, etc.) that use a conversion XSLT stylesheet to convert HTML content from clipboard to the target XML.

  9. Can UTF-8 characters (such as Greeks, mathematical symbols, etc.) be inserted and rendered?

    Any UTF-8 character can be inserted and rendered, provided that the font used for editing supports rendering the characters. The font can be changed by developers but not by the users. When using a logical font (by default, Serif for the Oxygen XML Author Component), the JVM will know how to map all characters to glyphs. There is no character map available but you could implement one


  1. Please describe, in general terms, the menus, toolbars, contextual menu options, helper panes, and so on, that are available for the Oxygen XML Author Component out-of-the box.

    You can mount on your custom toolbar all actions available in the standalone Oxygen XML Author plugin application for editing in the Author mode. This includes custom actions defined in the framework customized for each XML type.

    The Oxygen XML Author Component also can provide the Outline, Model, Elements, and Attributes views that can be added to your own panels (see sample applet).

  2. Please describe, in general terms, the actions, project resources (for example, DTD/Schema for validation purposes, CSS/XSL for styling, etc.) and typical level of effort that would be required to deploy a Oxygen XML Author Component solution for a customer with a proprietary DTD.

    The Author mode internal engine uses CSS to render XML.

    For a special type of XML, you can create a custom framework (which also works in an Oxygen XML Author plugin standalone version) that would also contain default schemas and custom actions. A simple framework would probably need 2-3 weeks development time. For a complex framework with many custom actions it could take a couple of months. Oxygen XML Author plugin already has frameworks for editing (DocBook, DITA, TEI, etc.) Sources for them are available in the Oxygen SDK.

    Multiple frameworks can co-exist in the same Oxygen XML Author plugin instance (the desktop standalone version or the applet version) and can be used at the same time for editing XML documents.

  3. Many customers desire a very simplistic interface for contributors (with little or no XML expertise) but a more robust XML editing environment for editors (or other users with more advanced XML expertise). How well does the Oxygen XML Author Component support varying degrees of user interface complexity and capability?

    • Showing/hiding menus, toolbars, helpers, etc.

      You assemble all the UI parts from the Oxygen XML Author Component. For example, you could provide two applet implementations: one for advanced users and one for content authors.

    • Forcing behaviors (for example, ensuring change tracking is on and preventing it from being shut down).

      You could avoid placing the change tracking toolbar actions in the custom applet. You could also use API to turn change tracking ON when the content has been loaded.

    • Preventing access to "privileged" editor processes (for example, accept/reject changes).

      You can remove the change tracking actions completely in a custom applet implementation. Including the ones from the contextual menu.

    • Presenting and/or describing XML constructs (for example, tags) in "plain-English".

      Using our API, you can customize what the Outline or Breadcrumb presents for each XML tag. You can also customize the in-place content completion list.

    • Presenting a small subset of the overall XML tag set (rather than the full tag set) for use by contributors (for example, allowing an author to only insert Heading, Para and inline emphasis).

      The API allows for a content completion filter that also affects the Elements view.

  4. Does the Oxygen XML Author Component API provide access to the XML document, for manipulation purposes, using common XML syntax (such as DOM, XPath, etc.)?

    Yes, using the Oxygen XML Author Component API.

  5. Can custom dialog boxes be developed and launched to collect information in a "form" (with scripting behind to push tag the collection information and embed it in the XML document?


  6. Can project resources and customizations be readily shared between the desktop and component versions of your Oxygen XML Author Component product line?

    A framework developed for the desktop version of the Oxygen XML Author plugin application can then be bundled with the Oxygen XML Author Component in a custom applet. For example, the demo applet from our web site is DITA-aware using the same framework as the Oxygen XML Author plugin standalone distribution.

    A custom version of the applet that includes one or more customized frameworks and user options can be built and deployed for non-technical authors by a technical savvy user using a built-in tool of Oxygen XML Author plugin. All the authors that load the deployed applet from the same server location will share the same frameworks and options.

    A custom editing solution can deploy one or more frameworks that can be used at the same time.

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