Opening and Saving Documents with Unsupported Characters

When loading documents, Oxygen XML Author plugin receives the encoding of the document from the Eclipse platform. This encoding is then used to instruct the Java Encoder to load support for and to save the document using the specified code chart.

While in most cases you are using UTF-8, simply changing the encoding name causes the application to save the file using the new encoding.

To edit documents written in Japanese or Chinese, change the font to one that supports the specific characters (a Unicode font). For the Windows platform, Arial Unicode MS or MS Gothic is recommended. Do not expect WordPad or Notepad to handle these encodings. Use applications such as Internet Explorer or Word to examine XML documents.

When a document with a UTF-16 encoding is edited and saved in Oxygen XML Author plugin, the saved document has a byte order mark (BOM) that specifies the byte order of the document content. The default byte order is platform-dependent. That means that a UTF-16 document created on a Windows platform (where the default byte order mark is UnicodeLittle) has a different BOM than a UTF-16 document created on a Mac OS platform (where the byte order mark is UnicodeBig). The byte order and the BOM of an existing document are preserved when the document is edited and saved.

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