
The licensing terms and conditions for the Oxygen XML Author Component are defined in the oXygen SDK License Agreement. To obtain the licensing terms and conditions and other licensing information as well, you can also contact our support team at You may also obtain a free of charge evaluation license key for development purposes, subject to registration. Any deployment of an application developed using the Oxygen XML Author Component is also subject to the terms of the SDK agreement.

There are two main categories of Oxygen XML Author Component integrations:

  1. Integration for internal use.

    You develop an application that embeds the Author Component to be used internally (in your company or by you). You can buy and use previously purchased Oxygen XML Author plugin floating licenses to enable the runtime usage of the Oxygen XML Author Component as it was integrated into the application.

  2. Integration for external use.

    Using the Oxygen XML Author Component, you create an application that you distribute to other users outside your company (with a CMS for example). In this case you need to contact us to apply for a Value Added Reseller (VAR) partnership.

From a technical point of view, the Oxygen XML Author Component provides the Java API to:

  optionsZipURL, codeBase, appletID,
      //The servlet URL
      //The HTTP credentials user name
      //The HTTP credentials password
  • Inject the licensing information key (for example, the evaluation license key) directly in the component's Java code.
   frameworkZips, optionsZipURL, codeBase, appletID,
   //The license key if it is a fixed license.
  • Display the license registration dialog box. This is the default behavior if a null license key is set using the API, this transfers the licensing responsibility to the end-user. The user can license an Oxygen XML Author Component using standard Oxygen XML Author plugin license keys. The license key will be saved to the local user's disk and on subsequent runs the user will not be asked anymore.
   frameworkZips, optionsZipURL, codeBase, appletID,
   //Null license key, will ask the user.

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