Parameters Tab (XProc Transformations)

When you create a new transformation scenario or edit an existing one, a configuration dialog box allows you to customize the transformation with various options in several tabs.

The Parameters tab presents a list of ports and parameters collected from the XProc script. The tab is divided into three sections:

List of Ports
In this section, you can use the New and Delete buttons to add or remove ports.
List of Parameters
This section presents a list of parameters for each port and includes columns for the parameter name, namespace URI, and its value. Use the Filter text box to search for a specific term in the entire parameters collection. You can use the New and Delete buttons to add or remove parameters. You can edit the value of each cell in this table by double-clicking the cell. You can also sort the parameters by clicking the column headers.
Editor Variable Information
The built-in editor variables and custom editor variables can be used for specifying the URI. The message pane at the bottom of the dialog box provides more information about the editor variables that can be used.

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