Resolving Merge Conflicts

After the merge operation is finished, it is possible to have some items in conflict. This means that some incoming modifications for an item could not be merged with the current working copy version. If there are such conflicts, the Merge conflicts dialog box will appear, presenting the items that are in conflict. This dialog box offers you choices for resolving the conflicts.

Merge Conflicts Dialog Box

The options to resolve a conflict are as follows:

  • Resolve later - Used for leaving the conflict as it is, to manually resolve it later.
  • Keep incoming - This option keeps all the incoming modifications and discards all current ones from your working copy.
  • Keep outgoing - This option keeps all current modifications from your working copy and discards all incoming ones.
  • Mark resolved - You should choose this option after you have manually solved the conflict, to instruct the Subversion that it was resolved. To do this, use the Edit conflict button, which displays a dialog box that presents the contents of the conflicting items (the content of the working copy version versus the incoming version).

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