Getting More Information From the Report Page
You can access a license server activity report at
It displays the following real time information:
- License load - A graphical indicator that shows how many licenses are available. When the indicator turns red, there are no more licenses available.
- Floating license server status - General information about the
license server status, including the following information:
- server start time
- license count
- rejected and acknowledged requests
- average usage time
- license refresh and timeout intervals
- location of the license key
- server version
- License key information - License key data, including the
following information:
- licensed product
- registration name
- company name
- license category
- number of floating users
- Maintenance Pack validity
- Current license usage - Lists all currently acknowledged users,
including the following information:
- user name
- date and time when the license was granted
- name and IP address of the computer where Oxygen XML Developer runs
- MAC address of the computer where Oxygen XML Developer runs
The report is also available in XML format at