XML Refactoring Operations Plugin Extension

This plugin type allows the developer to specify one or more directories from which the XML Refactoring operation resources are loaded.

The RefactoringOperationsProvider extension can be used to specify the location where custom XML Refactoring operation resources (XQuery Update script or XSLT stylesheet and Operation Descriptor files) are stored. Oxygen XML Developer will scan the specified locations to load the custom operations when the XML Refactoring tool is opened, and allows you to share your custom refactoring operations.

Sample XML Refactoring Operations Plugin Extension

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plugin PUBLIC "-//Oxygen Plugin" "../plugin.dtd">

 name="Refactoring operations plugin"
 description="Contains operation descriptors and related scripts"
 <extension type="RefactoringOperationsProvider">
  <folder path="customDir/"/>
  <folder path="customDir2"/>

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