Annotations Preferences

Certain types of schemas (XML Schema, DTDs, Relax NG) can include annotations that document the various elements and attributes that they define. Oxygen XML Developer can display these annotations when offering content completion suggestions. To configure the Annotations preferences, open the Preferences dialog box (OptionsPreferences) and go to EditorContent CompletionAnnotations.

The following options are available:

Show annotations in Content Completion Assistant
Oxygen XML Developer displays the schema annotations of an element, attribute, or attribute value currently selected in the Content Completion Assistant proposals list.
Show annotations in tooltip
Oxygen XML Developer displays the annotation of elements and attributes as a tooltip when you hover over them with the cursor in the editing area or in the Elements view.
Show annotation in HTML format, if possible
This option allows you to view the annotations associated with an element or attribute in HTML format. It is available when editing XML documents that have associated an XML Schema or Relax NG schema. When this option is disabled the annotations are converted and displayed as plain text.
Prefer DTD comments that start with "doc:" as annotations
To address the lack of dedicated annotation support in DTD documents, Oxygen XML Developer recommends prefixing with the doc: particle all comments intended to be shown to the developer who writes an XML validated against a DTD schema.

When this option is enabled, Oxygen XML Developer uses the following mechanism to collect annotations:

  • If at least one doc: comment is found in the entire DTD, only comments of this type are displayed as annotations.
  • If no doc: comment is found in the entire DTD, all comments are considered annotations and displayed as such.

When the option is disabled, all comments, regardless of their type, are considered annotations and displayed as such.

Use all Relax NG annotations as documentation
When this option is selected, any element outside the Relax NG namespace, that is, is considered annotation and is displayed in the annotation window next to the Content Completion Assistant window and in the Model view. When this option is not selected, only elements from the Relax NG annotations namespace, that is are considered annotations.

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