TEI P4 Author Mode Actions

A variety of actions are available in the TEI P4 framework that can be added to the TEI P4 menu, the Author Custom Actions toolbar, the contextual menu, and the Content Completion Assistant.

TEI P4 Toolbar Actions

The following default actions are readily available on the TEI P4 (Author Custom Actions) toolbar when editing in Author mode (by default, they are also available in the TEI P4 menu and some of them are in various submenus of the contextual menu):

Changes the style of the selected text to bold by surrounding it with hi tag and setting the rend attribute to bold. You can use this action on multiple non-contiguous selections.
Changes the style of the selected text to italic by surrounding it with hi tag and setting the rend attribute to italic. You can use this action on multiple non-contiguous selections.
Changes the style of the selected text to underline by surrounding it with hi tag and setting the rend attribute to ul. You can use this action on multiple non-contiguous selections.
Insert Section
Inserts a new section or subsection, depending on the current context. For example, if the current context is div1, then a div2 is inserted. By default, this action also inserts a paragraph element as a child node.

TEI P4 Menu Actions

In addition, the following default actions are available in the TEI P4 menu when editing in Author mode (some of them are also available in the contextual menu):

Table submenu
In addition to the table actions available on the toolbar, the following actions are available in this submenu:

TEI Contextual Menu Actions

In addition to many of the TEI toolbar actions and the general Author mode contextual menu actions, the following TEI framework-specific actions are also available in the contextual menu when editing in Author mode:

Table Actions
The following table editing actions are available in the contextual menu when it is invoked on a tabl


Delete Row(s)
Deletes the table row located at cursor position or multiple rows in a selection.
Delete Column(s)
Deletes the table column located at cursor position or multiple columns in a selection.
Join Cells
Joins the content of the selected cells (both horizontally and vertically).
Split Cell
Splits the cell at the cursor location. If Oxygen XML Developer detects more than one option to split the cell, a dialog box will be displayed that allows you to select the number of rows or columns to split the cell into.
Sorts cells or list items in a table.
Table Properties
Opens the Table properties dialog box that allows you to configure properties of a table (such as frame borders).
Other Actions submenu
This submenu give you access to all the usual contextual menu actions.

TEI P4 Drag/Drop Actions

Dragging a file from the view or DITA Maps Manager view and dropping it into a TEI P4 document that is edited in Author mode, creates a link to the dragged file (the ptr element with the target attribute) at the drop location.

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