Predefined Document Types (Frameworks)

Oxygen XML Developer includes a variety of specialized editors, views, and features that are dynamic according to the type of document that you open or create. The type of documents that are supported include the most popular predefined XML frameworks that include a full set of features as well as other document types that include more generic or common features.

Predefined Document Types

The following predefined document types (frameworks) are fully supported in Oxygen XML Developer and each of these document types include built-in transformation scenarios, validation, content completion and file templates:

  • DocBook 4 - A document type standard for books, articles, and other prose documents (particularly technical documentation).
  • DocBook 5 - An enhanced (version 5) document type standard designed for a variety of documents (particularly technical documentation).
  • DITA - An XML-based architecture designed for authoring, producing, and delivering technical information.
  • DITA Map - A document type that collects and organizes references to DITA topics or other maps.
  • XHTML - Extensible HyperText Markup Language includes the same depth of expression as HTML, but also conforms to XML syntax.
  • TEI ODD - Text Encoding Initiative One Document Does it all is an XML-conformant specification that allows you to create TEI P5 schema in a literate programming style.
  • TEI P4 - The Text Encoding Initiative guidelines is a standard for the academic community that collectively define an XML format for text that is primarily semantic rather than presentational.
  • TEI P5 - The Text Encoding Initiative guidelines is a standard for the academic community that collectively define an XML format for text that is primarily semantic rather than presentational.
  • JATS - The NISO Journal Article Tag Suite is a technical standard that defines an XML format for scientific literature.

Other Supported Document Types

Oxygen XML Developer also provides limited support (including file templates) for editing a variety of other document types. All the specialized views, editors, actions, and options are dynamic according to the type of file that is opened or created. Other document types that are supported in Oxygen XML Developer include:

  • EPUB (NCX, OCF, OPF 2.0 & 3.0) - A standard for e-book files.
  • DocBook Targetset - For resolving cross-references when using olinks.
  • Ant Build Scripts - A tool for automating software build processes, written in Java and primarily intended for use with Java.
  • XSLT Stylesheets - A document type that provides a visual mode for editing XSLT stylesheets.
  • WSDL - Web Services Description Language is an XML language for describing the functionality offered by a web service.
  • Schematron - For making assertions about the presence or absence of patterns in XML documents. This document type applies to the ISO Schematron version.
  • Schematron Quick Fixes (SQF) - An extension of the ISO standard Schematron, allows developers to define QuickFixes for Schematron errors.
  • StratML (Part 1 & 2) - Part 1 and 2 of the Strategy Markup Language specification.
  • XProc - A document type for processing XProc script files.
  • XML Schema - Documents that provide support for editing annotations.
  • SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
  • XLIFF (1.2 & 2.0) - XML Localization Interchange File Format is a standard for passing data between tools during a localization process.
  • XQuery - The common query language for XML.
  • CSS - Cascading Style Sheets is a language used for describing the look and formatting of a document.
  • LESS - A dynamic style sheet language that can be compiled into CSS.
  • Relax NG Schema - A schema language that specifies a pattern for the structure and content of an XML document.
  • NVDL Schema - Namespace Validation Dispatching Language allows you to specify sections of XML documents to be validated against various schemas.
  • JSON - JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight data-interchange format.
  • JavaScript - Programming language of HTML and the Web.
  • XML Spec - A markup language for W3C specifications and other technical reports.
  • DITAVAL - DITA conditional processing profile to identify the values you want to conditionally process for a particular output, build, or other purpose.
  • Daisy - A technical standard for digital audio books, periodicals, and computerized text. It is designed to be an audio substitute for print material.
  • EAD - Encoded Archival Description is an XML standard for encoding archival finding aids.
  • KML - Keyhole Markup Language is an XML notation for expressing geographic visualization in maps and browsers.
  • Maven Project & Settings - Project or settings file for Maven build automation tool that is primarily used for Java projects.
  • Oasis XML Catalog - A document that describes a mapping between external entity references and locally-cached equivalents.

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