Upgrading Your TCP Floating License Server

The goal of the following procedure is to help you minimize the downtime generated when you upgrade the Oxygen XML Developer TCP floating license server to its newest version.

Follow this procedure:

  1. Stop the current license server process.
  2. Locate and open the floating server startup script. It should look like this:
    sh licenseServer.sh pathToLicenseDir 54321
  3. Make a note of the path to the license directory (in our example is pathToLicenseDir) and the port number (in our example is 54321).
  4. Go to the license directory and copy the license key file (license.txt) for later use.
  5. Go to the Oxygen XML Developer website and download the all-platforms floating license server installation kit.
  6. Unzip the archive and overwrite the content of your current floating license server installation.
  7. Copy the license key file (license.txt) saved in step 4 to license directory of the floating license server installation.
  8. Edit the floating server startup script and configure with the info you made note of in step 3.
  9. Start the floating license server process.

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