Sharing Application Settings

There are a variety of ways that you can share the settings in Oxygen XML Author with other members of your team so that you all use a common set of options. This topic describes various possibilities.

Share Settings Through a Project File

Most of the preference pages in Oxygen XML Author include a Project Options button that allows you to pass changes to the settings to the current project file that is opened in the Project view. That project file can then be shared with other users. For instance, if your project file is saved on a version control system (such as SVN, CVS, or Source Safe) or in a shared folder, your team will have access to the same option configuration that you stored in the project file.

For more information about sharing projects, see Sharing a Project - Team Collaboration.

Share Settings by Exporting/Importing Global Options

Oxygen XML Author includes actions in the Options menu that allow you to export and import the global settings. The Export Global Options action will save the global settings as an XML properties file. You can then share those settings with others by using the Import Global Options action to import that properties file on their computer.

For more information about global options, see Importing/Exporting/Resetting Global Options.

Share Settings with a Custom Options File During Installation

When Oxygen XML Author in installed, all the settings are set to default values. You can customize the set of default values by creating an XML options file that you will use when installing Oxygen XML Author on each computer. You can then copy the XML options file to the installation directory or specify its path in a startup parameter.

For more information about creating and referencing a custom options file, see Customizing Default Options.

Share Settings by Imposing Fixed Options with an API

The Maven-based Oxygen XML SDK includes a sample plugin called ImposeOptions that imposes a fixed set of options when the application starts. This can be achieved by using the PluginWorkspaceProvider.getPluginWorkspace().setGlobalObjectProperty(key, value) API method.

For more information about this API, see PluginWorkspaceProvider Class.

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