Adding Support to Insert References from a WebDAV Connection

Predefined actions that insert references, such as the Insert Image action, display a URL chooser that allows you to select the Browse Data Source Explorer action. To use an already configured WebDAV connection in the Oxygen XML Author Component, follow these steps:

  1. Open a standalone Oxygen XML Author 18.1 and configure a WebDAV connection.
  2. Pack the fixed set of options from the standalone to use them with the Oxygen XML Author Component project.
  3. In the Oxygen XML Author Component, the defined connection still does not work when expanded because the additional JAR libraries used to browse the WebDAV repository are missing. By default, the httpclient dependency of the oXygen SDK artifact is excluded. You can enable it by commenting the following lines:
    If you want to have multiple WebDAV connection URLs, user names, and passwords (depending on the user who started the component), you can use a more flexible approach by using the following API:
        //DBConnectionInfo(String id, String driverName, String url, String user, 
    String passwd, String host, String port) 
        DBConnectionInfo info = new DBConnectionInfo("WEBDAV", "WebDAV FTP", 
    "http://host/webdav-user-root", "userName", "password", null, null);
    ("database.stored.sessions1", new DBConnectionInfo[] {info}); 

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