JATS Author Mode Actions

A variety of actions are available in the JATS framework that can be added to the JATS menu, the Author Custom Actions toolbar, the contextual menu, and the Content Completion Assistant.

JATS Toolbar Actions

The following default actions are readily available on the JATS (Author Custom Actions) toolbar when editing in Author mode (by default, they are also available in the JATS menu and in various submenus of the contextual menu):

Paragraph Level Drop-Down Menu

Insert Paragraph
Insert a new paragraph element at current cursor position.
Insert Unordered List
Inserts an unordered list at the cursor position. A child list item is also automatically inserted by default. You can also use this action to convert selected paragraphs or other types of lists to an unordered list.
Insert Ordered List
Inserts an ordered list at the cursor position. A child list item is also automatically inserted by default. You can also use this action to convert selected paragraphs or other types of lists to an ordered list.
Boxed Text
Inserts or wraps content in a box with a shaded background.
Inserts or wraps content in a code element.
Display Quote
Inserts or wraps content in a disp-quote element.
Inserts a fig element with a title (inside a caption element). This action opens a dialog box that allows you to enter the text for the title for the figure.
Graphic Figure
Inserts a fig element with a title (inside a caption element), and a graphic element. A dialog box is displayed that allows you to enter the title for the figure, followed by a dialog box that allows you to select the URL of the graphic to be inserted.

Surrounds the selected text with a bold tag. You can use this action on multiple non-contiguous selections.
Surrounds the selected text with an italic tag. You can use this action on multiple non-contiguous selections.
Surrounds the selected text with an underline tag. You can use this action on multiple non-contiguous selections.
Inserts or wraps content with a monospace element.
Insert Image
Inserts an image reference at the cursor position. Depending on the current location, an image-type element is inserted.
Insert List Item
Inserts a list item in the current list type.
Insert MathML
Opens the XML Fragment Editor that allows you to insert and edit MathML notations.

JATS Menu Actions

In addition, the following default actions are available in the JATS menu when editing in Author mode:

Refresh References
You can use this action to manually trigger a refresh and update of all referenced resources.
Tags display mode Submenu

Full Tags with Attributes
Displays full tag names with attributes for both block level and in-line level elements.
Full Tags
Displays full tag names without attributes for both block level and in-line level elements.
Block Tags
Displays full tag names for block level elements and simple tags without names for in-line level elements.
Inline Tags
Displays full tag names for inline level elements, while block level elements are not displayed.
Partial Tags
Displays simple tags without names for in-line level elements, while block level elements are not displayed.
No Tags
No tags are displayed. This is the most compact mode and is as close as possible to a word-processor view.
Configure Tags Display Mode
Use this option to go to the Author preferences page where you can configure the Tags Display Mode options.

Profiling/Conditional Text Submenu

Edit Profiling Attributes
Allows you to configure the profiling attributes and their values.
Show Profiling Colors and Styles
Select this option to turn on conditional styling.
Show Profiling Attributes
Select this option to turn on conditional text markers. They are displayed at the end of conditional text blocks, as a list of attribute name and their currently set values.
Show Excluded Content
When this option is enabled, the content filtered by the currently applied condition set is grayed-out. To show only the content that matches the currently applied condition set, disable this option.
List of all profiling condition sets that match the current document type
You can click a listed condition set to activate it.
Profiling Settings
Opens the profiling options preferences page, where you can manage profiling attributes and profiling conditions sets. You can also configure the profiling styles and colors options from the colors/styles preferences page and the attributes rendering preferences page.

JATS Drag/Drop Actions

Dragging a file from the Project view or DITA Maps Manager view and dropping it into a JATS document that is edited in Author mode, creates a link to the dragged file (the ext-link element with the xlink:href attribute) at the drop location. Dragging an image file from the default file system application (Windows Explorer on Windows or Finder on Mac OS X, for example) and dropping it into a JATS document inserts an image element (the inline-graphic element with the xlink:href attribute) at the drop location, similar to the Insert Image toolbar action.

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