Oxygen XML Author Installer Command Line Reference

The Oxygen XML Author installers for Windows and Linux creates a file called response.varfile, which records the choices that the user made when running the installer interactively. You can use a response.varfile to set the options for an unintended install. Here is an example of a response.varfile:

#install4j response file for Oxygen XML Editor 18.0
#Fri Jul 18 21:52:15 EDT 2014
sys.installationDir=C\:\\Program Files (x86)\\Oxygen XML Editor 18
sys.programGroupName=Oxygen XML Editor 18.0

The following table describes some of the settings that can be used in the response.varfile:

response.varfile Options Parameters

Parameter Name Description Values
autoVersionChecking Automatic version checking. true / false. Default setting is true.
reportProblem Allows you to report a problem encountered while using Oxygen XML Author. true / false. Default setting is true.
downloadResources Allows Oxygen XML Author to download resources (links to video demonstrations, webinars and upcoming events) from https://www.oxygenxml.com to populate the application welcome screen. true / false. Default setting is true.

The Oxygen XML Author installation uses the install4j installer. A description of the response.varfile format can be found on the install4j site.

Command line parameters

The Oxygen XML Author installer supports the following command line parameters:

Option Meaning
-q Run the installer in unattended mode. The installer will not prompt the user for input during the install. Default settings will be used for all options unless a response.varfile is specified using the -varfile option or individual settings are specified using

- on Windows:

oxygenAuthor.exe -q 

- on Linux:

oxygenAuthor.sh -q 

-overwrite In unattended mode, the installer does not overwrite files with the same name if a previous version of the Oxygen XML Author is installed in the same folder. The -overwrite parameter added after the -q parameter forces the overwriting of these files.

- on Windows:

oxygenAuthor.exe -q -overwrite

- on Linux:

oxygenAuthor.sh -q -overwrite


To display a console for the unattended installation, add a -console parameter to the command line.

- on Windows:

start /wait oxygenAuthor.exe -q -console


The use of start /wait on Windows is required to make the installer run in the foreground. It you run it without start /wait, it will run in the background.
- on Linux:

oxygenAuthor.sh -q -console

-varfile Points to the location of a response.varfile to be used during an unattended installation. For example:

- on Windows:

oxygenAuthor.exe -q -varfile response.varfile

- on Linux:

oxygenAuthor.sh -q -varfile response.varfile

-V Is used to define a variable to be used by an unattended installation. For example:

- on Windows:

oxygenAuthor.exe -q -VusageDataCollector=false

- on Linux:

oxygenAuthor.sh -q -VusageDataCollector=false

The Oxygen XML Author installation uses the install4j installer. A full list of the command line parameters supported by the install4j installer can be found on the install4j site.

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