Customizing Options

The Oxygen XML Web Author Component functionality that is common with the standalone distribution of Oxygen XML Author share the same options. This allows you to configure a consistent editing experience for all users.

Author Mode Options

Oxygen XML Web Author Component stores its options in an options.xml file.

If you are using the oXygen XML SDK project, the file is located in the bundle-options/oxygen-options/ folder and will be bundled with the web application. If you are using one of the installation kits, it is located in the options folder of the Oxygen Data Directory.

There are multiple ways to configure these options:

Oxygen XML Web Author Component specific options

A small number of options are specific only to the Oxygen XML Web Author Component and they can be configured in the WEB-INF/web.xml file. Each option is specified as a context-param element.

The following is a list of options and their accepted values:

Option name Value Description
com.oxygenxml.loadBuiltinProtocolHandlers true/false Controls whether or not the built-in handlers for HTTP/HTTPS and FTP/SFTP protocols are installed. Default value is true. An integer number Indicates the number of editing sessions stored in memory. Duration (*) Indicates the delay after which inactive sessions are stored on disk. An integer number Indicates the number of inactive editing sessions that can be stored on disk. Duration (*) Indicates the delay after which inactive sessions are discarded. An integer number Configures the number of validation threads.

(*) - Duration is represented by an integer, followed by one of "d", "h", "m", or "s", representing days, hours, minutes, or seconds, respectively.

Here is an example of how to configure a context parameter:


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