MSXML.NET Preferences

To configure the MSXML.NET options, open the Preferences dialog box (OptionsPreferences) and go to XMLXSLT-FO-XQueryXSLTMSXML.NET.

The options in this preferences page for the MSXML.NET processor are as follows:

Enable XInclude processing
If checked, XInclude references will be resolved when MSXML.NET is used as the transformer in the XSLT transformation scenario.
Validate documents during parse phase
If checked, and either the source or stylesheet document has a DTD or schema that its content can be checked against, validation is performed.
Do not resolve external definitions during parse phase
By default, MSXML instructs the parser to resolve external definitions such as document type definition (DTD), external subsets or external entity references when parsing the source and style sheet documents. If this option is checked, the resolution is disabled.
Strip non-significant whitespaces
If checked, strips non-significant white space from the input XML document during the load phase. Enabling this option can lower memory usage and improve transformation performance while, in most cases, creating equivalent output.
Show time information
If checked, the relative speed of various transformation steps can be measured, including:
  • The time to load, parse, and build the input document.
  • The time to load, parse, and build the stylesheet document.
  • The time to compile the stylesheet in preparation for the transformation.
  • The time to execute the stylesheet.
Forces ASCII output encoding
There is a known problem with the .NET 1.X XSLT processor (System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform class). It does not support escaping of characters as XML character references when they cannot be represented in the output encoding. This means that it will be outputted as '?'. Usually this happens when output encoding is set to ASCII. If this option checked, the output is forced to be ASCII encoded and all non-ASCII characters get escaped as XML character references (&#nnnn; form).
Allow multiple output documents
This option allows you to create multiple result documents using the exsl:document extension element.
Use named URI resolver class
This option allows you to specify a custom URI resolver class to resolve URI references in xsl:import and xsl:include instructions (during XSLT stylesheet loading phase) and in document() functions (during XSL transformation phase).
Assembly file name for URI resolver class
This option specifies a file name of the assembly where the specified resolver class can be found. The Use named URI resolver class option specifies a partially or fully qualified URI resolver class name (for example, Acme.Resolvers.CacheResolver). Such a name requires additional assembly specification using this option or the Assembly GAC name for URI resolver class option, but fully qualified class name (which always includes an assembly specifier) is all-sufficient. See MSDN for more info about fully qualified class names.
Assembly GAC name for URI resolver class
This option specifies partially or fully qualified name of the assembly in the global assembly cache (GAC) where the specified resolver class can be found. See MSDN for more info about partial assembly names.
List of extension object class names
This option allows to specify extension object classes, whose public methods then can be used as extension functions in an XSLT stylesheet. It is a comma-separated list of namespace-qualified extension object class names. Each class name must be bound to a namespace URI using prefixes, similar to providing XSLT parameters.
Use specified EXSLT assembly
MSXML.NET supports a rich library of the EXSLT and EXSLT.NET extension functions embedded or in a plugged-in EXSLT.NET library. EXSLT support is enabled by default and cannot be disabled in this version. Use this option if you want to use an external EXSLT.NET implementation instead of a built-in one.
Credential loading source xml
This option allows you to specify user credentials to be used when loading XML source documents. The credentials should be provided in the username:password@domain format (all parts are optional).
Credential loading stylesheet
This option allows you to specify user credentials to be used when loading XSLT stylesheet documents. The credentials should be provided in the username:password@domain format (all parts are optional).

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