Creating a Plugin Configuration Page

To create a configuration page for a plugin that does not already have the Configure icon displayed in the Administration page, follow these steps:

  1. Register a WebappServlet extension type with a role attribute set to config in your plugin.xml file, as in the following example:
    <extension type="WebappServlet" role="config" class="com.ex.MyPluginConfigExt"/>

    The class attribute value should point to an extension of the PluginConfigExtension class.

  2. When extending the PluginConfigExtension class, consider the following notes:
    • Implement the getOptionsForm method to return an HTML form and make sure that contains inputs with the name attribute the same as the option you want to configure.
    • Implement the getOptionsJson method to return a JSON string that contains the options that you want to make available to the JavaScript code. They will be accessible in your plugin JavaScript code using the sync.options.PluginsOptions.getClientOption(optionName) method.


      The JSON should only contain key values, where values are of the type string|number|boolean with no arrays or other objects.


      You should not include any sensitive information (e.g. OAuth secrets) in the options returned by this method.
    • Implement the getPath method to return a non-empty string that represents the path for which this extension will be served.

      For example:

    • If you need to override the init method, make sure you call super.init(). Otherwise, options will not be saved to disk and will be lost when you restart the application.
    • If you need to override any of the doPut/doDelete methods, make sure you call the saveOptions method at the end to save the options to disk.
    • If you need to override the doGet method, make sure it responds with the result of getOptionsForm for header Accept=text/html, and with the result of getOptionsJson when called with header Accept=application/json. Use the getOption or getDefaultOptions methods to access the current or default options.


    For an implementation example, you can look at com.oxygenxml.sdksamples.github.GithubPluginConfigExtension in the webapp-github-plugin project.
Result: A Configure icon is now displayed next to its name in the Administration page.

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