Options Tab (Generate Sample XML Files Tool)

The Generate Sample XML Files tool includes a dialog box that allows you to configure a variety of options for generating the XML files. The Options tab allows you to set specific options for namespaces and elements.

Generate Sample XML Files Dialog Box (Options Tab)

This tab includes the following options:

Namespace / Element table
Allows you to set a namespace for each element name that appears in an XML document instance. The following prefix-to-namespace associations are available:
  • All elements from all namespaces (<ANY> - <ANY>). This is the default setting.
  • All elements from a specific namespace.
  • A specific element from a specific namespace.
Settings subtab

Displays the namespace specified in the table at the top of the dialog box.
Displays the element specified in the table at the top of the dialog box.
Generate optional elements
When checked, all elements are generated, including the optional ones (having the minOccurs attribute set to 0 in the schema).
Generate optional attributes
When checked, all attributes are generated, including the optional ones (having the use attribute set to optional in the schema).
Values of elements and attributes
Controls the content of generated attribute and element values. The following choices are available:
  • None - No content is inserted.
  • Default - Inserts a default value depending of data type descriptor of the particular element or attribute. The default value can be either the data type name or an incremental name of the attribute or element (according to the global option from the XML Instances Generator preferences page). Note that type restrictions are ignored when this option is enabled. For example, if an element is of a type that restricts an xs:string with the xs:maxLength facet to allow strings with a maximum length of 3, the XML instance generator tool may generate string element values longer than 3 characters.
  • Random - Inserts a random value depending of data type descriptor of the particular element or attribute.


    If all of the following are true, the XML Instances Generator outputs invalid values:
    • At least one of the restrictions is a regexp.
    • The value generated after applying the regexp does not match the restrictions imposed by one of the facets.
Preferred number of repetitions
Allows you to set the preferred number of repeating elements related to minOccurs and maxOccurs facets defined in the XML Schema.
  • If the value set here is between minOccurs and maxOccurs, then that value is used.
  • If the value set here is less than minOccurs, then the minOccurs value is used.
  • If the value set here is greater than maxOccurs, then maxOccurs is used.
Maximum recursion level
If a recursion is found, this option controls the maximum allowed depth of the same element.
Type alternative strategy
Used for the xs:alternative element from XML Schema 1.1. The possible strategies are:
  • First - The first valid alternative type is always used.
  • Random - A random alternative type is used.
Choice strategy
Used for xs:choice or substitutionGroup elements. The possible strategies are:
  • First - The first branch of xs:choice or the head element of substitutionGroup is always used.
  • Random - A random branch of xs:choice or a substitute element or the head element of a substitutionGroup is used.
Generate the other options as comments
If enabled, generates the other possible choices or substitutions (for xs:choice and substitutionGroup). These alternatives are generated inside comments groups so you can uncomment and use them later. Use this option with care (for example, on a restricted namespace and element) as it may generate large result files.

Element values subtab
Allows you to add values that are used to generate the content of elements. If there are multiple values, then the values are used in a random order.
Attribute values subtab
Allows you to add values that are used to generate the content of attributes. If there are multiple values, then the values are used in a random order.
Load settings
Use this button to load previously exported settings.
Export settings
Use this button to save the current settings for future use.

You can click OK at any point to generate the sample XML files.

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