Context Node View
The context node is valid only for XSLT debugging sessions and is a source node corresponding to the XSL expression that is evaluated. It is also called the context of execution. The context node implicitly changes as the processor hits various steps (at the point where XPath expressions are evaluated). This node has the same value as evaluating '.' (dot) XPath expression in XWatch view. The value of the context node is presented as a tree in the Context Node view. If the view is not displayed, it can be opened from the menu.
Context node view
The context node is presented in a tree-like fashion. Nodes from a defined namespace bound to a prefix are displayed using the qualified name. If the namespace is not bound to a prefix, the namespace URI is presented before the node name. The value of the selected attribute or node is displayed in the right side panel. The Context view also presents the current mode of the XSLT processor if this mode differs from the default one.