Customizing the Header and Footer in PDF Output
The XSLT stylesheet DITA_OT_DIR/plugins/org.dita.pdf2/xsl/fo/static-content.xsl
contains templates that output
the static header and footers for various parts of the PDF such as the prolog, table
contents, front matter, or body.
The templates for generating a footer for pages in the body are called
or insertBodyEvenFooter
These templates get the static content from resource files that depend on the language
for generating the PDF. The default resource file is DITA_OT_DIR/plugins/org.dita.pdf2/cfg/common/vars/en.xml
These resource files contain variables (such as Body odd footer) that can
be set to specific user values.
Instead of modifying these resource files directly, they can be overwritten with modified versions of the resources in a PDF customization directory as explained in Creating a Customization Directory for PDF Output.