SharePoint Browser View
The SharePoint Browser view allows you to connect to a SharePoint repository and perform SharePoint-specific actions on the available resources. To display this view, go to .
SharePoint Browser View
The view is split in several functional areas:
Connection Area
The following controls are available:
- The Site combo box allows you to select and connect to an already defined SharePoint connection.
- The Disconnect action terminates the current connection.
- The Settings drop-down menu contains actions that help you to quickly define a new connection or manage the existing ones from the Data Source options page: New SharePoint Connection and Configure Database Sources. Also, here you can choose one of the predefined view layouts.
SharePoint Site Navigation Area
If there is no connection selected in the Site combo box, this area is left blank and promotes the actions that allow you to quickly add SharePoint connections. Otherwise, the navigation area presents the SharePoint site structure in a tree-like fashion with various node types (such as sites, libraries, and folders).
Depending on the type of node, a contextual menu offers customized actions that can be performed on that node. The contextual menu of a folder allows you to create new folders and documents, import folders and files, and to rename and delete the folder.
Each library node displays a drop-down menu next to its name where you can select what you want to display for the current library node. This functionality is also available on the contextual menu of the node.
Drop-Down Menu to Select Which Items to Display
Folder Content Area
The content of a folder is displayed in a tabular form, where each row represents the properties of a folder or document. The list of columns and the way the documents and folders are organized depends on the currently selected view of the parent library.
You can filter and sort the displayed items. To display the available filters of a column, click the filter widget located on the column header. You can apply multiple filters at the same time.