All DITA elements, A to Z
This section provides links to all of the DITA elements in alphabetical
- abbreviated-form
- abbrevlist
- abstract
- addressdetails
- administrativearea
- alt
- amendments
- anchor
- anchorid
- anchorkey
- anchorref
- apiname
- appendices
- appendix
- approved
- area
- attributedef
- audience
- author
- authorinformation
- b
- backmatter
- bibliolist
- body
- bodydiv
- bookabstract
- bookchangehistory
- bookevent
- bookeventtype
- bookid
- booklibrary
- booklist
- booklists
- bookmap
- bookmeta
- booknumber
- bookowner
- bookpartno
- bookrestriction
- bookrights
- booktitle
- booktitlealt
- boolean
- brand
- category
- <cause>
- <change-completed>
- <change-historylist>
- <change-item>
- <change-organization>
- <change-person>
- <change-request-id>
- <change-request-reference>
- <change-request-system>
- <change-revisionid>
- <change-started>
- <change-summary>
- chapter
- chdesc
- chdeschd
- chhead
- choice
- choices
- choicetable
- choption
- choptionhd
- chrow
- cite
- closereqs
- cmd
- cmdname
- codeblock
- codeph
- coderef
- colophon
- colspec
- completed
- component
- conbody
- conbodydiv
- concept
- <condition>
- consequence
- contactnumber
- contactnumbers
- context
- coords
- copyrfirst
- copyrholder
- copyright
- copyrlast
- copyryear
- country
- created
- critdates
- data-about
- data
- day
- dd
- ddhd
- dedication
- defaultSubject
- delim
- desc
- dita
- ditavalmeta
- ditavalref
- div
- dl
- dlentry
- dlhead
- draft-comment
- draftintro
- dt
- dthd
- dvrKeyscopePrefix
- dvrKeyscopeSuffix
- dvrResourcePrefix
- dvrResourceSuffix
- edited
- edition
- elementdef
- emailaddress
- emailaddresses
- entry
- enumerationdef
- equation-block
- equation-figure
- equation-inline
- equation-number
- esttime
- example
- exportanchors
- featnum
- fig
- figgroup
- figurelist
- filepath
- firstname
- fn
- foreign
- fragment
- fragref
- frontmatter
- generationidentifier
- glossAbbreviation
- glossAcronym
- glossAlt
- glossAlternateFor
- glossBody
- glossPartOfSpeech
- glossProperty
- glossScopeNote
- glossShortForm
- glossStatus
- glossSurfaceForm
- glossSymbol
- glossSynonym
- glossUsage
- glossarylist
- glossdef
- glossentry
- glossgroup
- glossref
- glossterm
- groupchoice
- groupcomp
- groupseq
- hasInstance
- hasKind
- hasNarrower
- hasPart
- hasRelated
- hazardstatement
- hazardsymbol
- honorific
- howtoavoid
- i
- image
- imagemap
- index-base
- index-see-also
- index-see
- index-sort-as
- indexlist
- indexterm
- indextermref
- info
- isbn
- itemgroup
- keydef
- keyword
- keywords
- kwd
- lastname
- <lcAge>
- <lcAnswerContent>
- <lcAnswerContent2>
- <lcAnswerOption>
- <lcAnswerOption2>
- <lcAnswerOptionGroup>
- <lcAnswerOptionGroup2>
- <lcAreaCoords>
- <lcAreaCoords2>
- <lcArea>
- <lcArea2>
- <lcAreaShape>
- <lcAreaShape2>
- <lcAssessment>
- <lcAsset>
- <lcAsset2>
- <lcAttitude>
- <lcAudience>
- <lcBackground>
- <lcCIN>
- <lcChallenge>
- <lcClassroom>
- <lcClient>
- <lcConstraints>
- <lcCorrectResponse>
- <lcCorrectResponse2>
- <lcDelivDate>
- <lcDelivery>
- <lcDownloadTime>
- <lcDuration>
- <lcEdLevel>
- <lcFeedback>
- <lcFeedback2>
- <lcFeedbackCorrect>
- <lcFeedbackCorrect2>
- <lcFeedbackIncorrect>
- <lcFeedbackIncorrect2>
- <lcFileSizeLimitations>
- <lcGapAnalysis>
- <lcGapItem>
- <lcGapItemDelta>
- <lcGeneralDescription>
- <lcGoals>
- <lcGraphics>
- <lcHandouts>
- <lcHotspot>
- <lcHotspot2>
- <lcHotspotMap>
- <lcHotspotMap2>
- <lcInstruction>
- <lcInstructornote>
- <lcInstructornote2>
- <lcInteraction>
- <lcInteractionBase>
- <lcInteractionBase2>
- <lcIntervention>
- <lcInterventionItem>
- <lcIntro>
- <lcItem>
- <lcItem2>
- <lcJtaItem>
- <lcKnowledge>
- <lcLMS>
- <lcLearnStrat>
- <lcLom>
- <lcMatching>
- <lcMatching2>
- <lcMatchingHeader>
- <lcMatchingHeader2>
- <lcMatchingItem>
- <lcInteractionLabel2>
- <lcMatchingItem2>
- <lcMatchingItemFeedback>
- <lcMatchingItemFeedback2>
- <lcMatchingPair>
- <lcMatchingPair2>
- <lcMatchTable>
- <lcMatchTable2>
- <lcModDate>
- <lcMotivation>
- <lcMultipleSelect>
- <lcMultipleSelect2>
- <lcNeeds>
- <lcNeedsAnalysis>
- <lcNextSteps>
- <lcNoLMS>
- <lcOJT>
- <lcObjective>
- <lcObjectives>
- <lcObjectivesGroup>
- <lcObjectivesStem>
- <lcOpenAnswer>
- <lcOpenAnswer2>
- <lcOpenQuestion>
- <lcOpenQuestion2>
- <lcOrgConstraints>
- <lcOrganizational>
- <lcPlanAudience>
- <lcPlanDescrip>
- <lcPlanObjective>
- <lcPlanPrereqs>
- <lcPlanResources>
- <lcPlanSubject>
- <lcPlanTitle>
- <lcPlayers>
- <lcPrereqs>
- <lcProcesses>
- <lcProject>
- <lcQuestion>
- <lcQuestion2>
- <lcQuestionBase>
- <lcQuestionBase2>
- <lcResolution>
- <lcResources>
- <lcReview>
- <lcSecurity>
- <lcSequence>
- <lcSequence2>
- <lcSequenceOption>
- <lcSequenceOption2>
- <lcSequenceOptionGroup>
- <lcSequenceOptionGroup2>
- <lcSequencing>
- <lcSequencing2>
- <lcSingleSelect>
- <lcSingleSelect2>
- <lcSkills>
- <lcSpecChars>
- <lcSummary>
- <lcTask>
- <lcTaskItem>
- <lcTechnical>
- <lcTime>
- <lcTrueFalse>
- <lcTrueFalse2>
- <lcValues>
- <lcViewers>
- <lcW3C>
- <lcWorkEnv>
- <lcWorkEnvDescription>
- <learningAssessment>
- <learningAssessmentbody>
- <learningBase>
- <learningBasebody>
- <learningContent>
- <learningContentComponentRef>
- <learningContentRef>
- <learningContentbody>
- <learningGroup>
- learningGroupMap
- learningGroupMapRef
- <learningObject>
- learningObjectMap
- learningObjectMapRef
- <learningOverview>
- <learningOverviewRef>
- <learningOverviewbody>
- <learningPlan>
- <learningPlanRef>
- <learningPlanbody>
- <learningPostAssessmentRef>
- <learningPreAssessmentRef>
- <learningSummary>
- <learningSummaryRef>
- <learningSummarybody>
- li
- lines
- link
- linkinfo
- linklist
- linkpool
- linktext
- locality
- localityname
- <lomAggregationLevel>
- <lomContext>
- <lomCoverage>
- <lomDifficulty>
- <lomInstallationRemarks>
- <lomIntendedUserRole>
- <lomInteractivityLevel>
- <lomInteractivityType>
- <lomLearningResourceType>
- <lomOtherPlatformRequirements>
- <lomSemanticDensity>
- <lomStructure>
- <lomTechRequirement>
- <lomTypicalAgeRange>
- <lomTypicalLearningTime>
- longdescref
- longquoteref
- lq
- mainbooktitle
- maintainer
- map
- mapref
- markupname
- mathml
- mathmlref
- menucascade
- messagepanel
- metadata
- middlename
- month
- msgblock
- msgnum
- msgph
- namedetails
- navref
- navtitle
- no-topic-nesting
- noconds
- nosafety
- nospares
- nosupeq
- nosupply
- note
- notices
- numcharref
- object
- ol
- oper
- option
- organization
- organizationinfo
- organizationname
- organizationnamedetails
- otherinfo
- othermeta
- p
- param
- parameterentity
- parml
- parmname
- part
- pd
- permissions
- perscat
- perskill
- person
- personinfo
- personname
- personnel
- ph
- platform
- plentry
- postalcode
- postreq
- pre
- preface
- prelreqs
- prereq
- printlocation
- prodinfo
- prodname
- prognum
- prolog
- propdesc
- propdeschd
- properties
- property
- prophead
- proptype
- proptypehd
- propvalue
- propvaluehd
- pt
- published
- publisher
- publisherinformation
- publishtype
- q
- refbody
- refbodydiv
- reference
- refsyn
- related-links
- relatedSubjects
- relcell
- relcolspec
- relheader
- relrow
- reltable
- <remedy>
- repsep
- reqcond
- reqconds
- reqcontp
- reqpers
- required-cleanup
- resourceid
- <responsibleParty>
- result
- reviewed
- revised
- revisionid
- row
- safecond
- safety
- schemeref
- screen
- searchtitle
- section
- sectiondiv
- sep
- series
- shape
- shortcut
- shortdesc
- simpletable
- sl
- sli
- source
- spare
- spares
- sparesli
- started
- state
- stentry
- step
- stepresult
- steps-informal
- steps-unordered
- steps
- stepsection
- steptroubleshooting
- stepxmp
- sthead
- strow
- sub
- <svg-container>
- <svgref>
- subjectCell
- subjectHead
- subjectHeadMeta
- subjectRel
- subjectRelHeader
- subjectRelTable
- subjectRole
- subjectScheme
- subjectdef
- subjectref
- substep
- substeps
- summary
- sup
- supeqli
- supequi
- supequip
- supplies
- supply
- supplyli
- synblk
- synnote
- synnoteref
- synph
- syntaxdiagram
- systemoutput
- table
- tablelist
- task
- taskbody
- tasktroubleshooting
- tbody
- term
- tested
- text
- textentity
- tgroup
- thead
- thoroughfare
- title
- titlealts
- tm
- toc
- topic
- topicCell
- topicSubjectHeader
- topicSubjectRow
- topicSubjectTable
- topicapply
- topicgroup
- topichead
- topicmeta
- topicref
- topicset
- topicsetref
- topicsubject
- trademarklist
- <troublebody>
- <troubleshooting>
- <troubleSolution>
- tt
- tutorialinfo
- typeofhazard
- u
- uicontrol
- ul
- unknown
- url
- urls
- userinput
- ux-window
- var
- varname
- volume
- vrm
- vrmlist
- wintitle
- xmlatt
- xmlelement
- xmlnsname
- xmlpi
- xref
- year